Sunday, December 5, 2010

The New Moon in Sagittarius

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:

The Sagittarius New Moon appears in the 9th house (refer to chart)
The New Moon at 13° 28' Sagittarius, December 5, 2010 12:36 EST Washington D.C.
The New Moon promises everyone an opportunity to travel and make new friends around the world. Trading with folks will be interesting and profitable. The holiday season promises to help you organize your philosophy. Books will be the best gift this holiday.

Legal and Judicial activity abounds on Wall Street. New laws and rules are issued by government agencies keeping the legal departments of financial firms very busy. Most of the legal issues probably require mediation. Rules changes will keep programmers busy and managers busy explaining the changes.

Everyone else will organize celebrations and find inexpensive ways to entertain their families and colleagues. This holiday season is perfect for relaxation and good fun.

Mars appears in the 10th House
Emphasis is on the Chief Executive Officers of all companies. Many will find it convenient to retire and change their life style.

Mercury appears in the 10th House
Scandals abound keeping reporters very busy and writers outlining their new book. New MBA graduates could find these scandals an employment opportunity.

Pluto appears in the 10th House
Government leaders will attempt to exercise additional controls on financial institutions. Since Pluto entered Capricorn they have been striving for additional power and authority forgetting the many unintended consequences. Government and other authorities will succeed where they can exercise their taxing authority. 

Neptune appears in the 12th House
Charities are riddled with scandals. Contributions will diminish and many charities will threaten to fold. Whistle blowers who work in important institutions will take to the web and protests will continue to be organized.

Jupiter appears in the 1st House
Folks will enjoy the energy of Jupiter as he brings prosperity and success. Employment will increase and business will find interesting new products as well as new customers.

Uranus appears in the 1st House
Folks take seriously their disagreements with regulations and legal authorities. They will display their outrage with boycotts. 

Saturn appears in the 7th House
Trade with other countries will be difficult and aggravating.

Venus appears in the 8th House
Tax revenues will increase due to higher employment and a better business environment. Local Governments will benefit with higher sales tax revenues.

Kaye Shinker

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Capricorn, January 4, 2011. Subscribe to our newsletter  if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.


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