New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; below is some of what Kaye Shinker predicts for the month ahead.
Textbook 4, page 30 of the Textbook For Financial Astrology, will help with interpretation the New Moon chart. (Note the house position of the New Moon in the chart in the capital of the country.)
The Taurus New Moon stellium in the second house of the Washington, D.C. chart suggests all sorts of emphasis on earned income.
With the New Moon in the Second House, everyone feels a burst of energy and creativity. They are evaluating their skills and considering ways to apply the skills to new enterprises.
People are working and earning money to spend on special gifts for their family and friends. They are adding value to their environment and making their individual lives more comfortable and efficient. The Moon has just left a trine to Pluto, therefore people feel empowered to take control of their environment and will spend extra time and money to make it as comfortable as possible.
Venus appears in the 2nd House
Pressure on lending institutions continues as entrepreneurs apply for funds to finance their innovative ideas. Individuals are finding plenty of work and their earnings increase the supply of tax income for every level of government. Income from dividends adds to the economy. It is important to remember to choose investments carefully.
Mercury appears in the 2nd House
Communications industry continues to produce interesting new inventions as well as income for new employees. Fraud and/or embezzlement will make headlines as various corporations are revealed to have used deceptive accounting procedures.
Jupiter appears in the 2nd House
Finally away from the opposition to Saturn, Jupiter acting on his own promises to increase supplies of materials and commodities, Therefore decreasing the price of these items. The result will be dramatic share price changes depending on the raw materials required for the business of the company.
Mars appears in the 2nd House
Military expenditures and disaster insurance will continue to demand the attention of legislators at every level. Two days from a conjunction with Jupiter, Mars is asking for a great deal of money to help clean up various messes. Individual workers will find plenty of ways to add income to place in their savings accounts.
Click link to find out what Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and the Nodes suggest for this lunar month.
The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Gemini, June 1, 2011. Subscribe to our newsletter if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.
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