Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The New Moon in Cancer - Solar Eclipse 2011

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; below is some of what Kaye Shinker predicts for the month ahead.

The New Moon appears in the 1st House (refer to chart) Non USA members can set up a New Moon chart for the capital of  their country.  Textbook 4, page 30 of the Textbook For Financial Astrology, will help with interpretation the New Moon chart.  (Note the house position of the New Moon in the chart in the capital of the country.)

With the New Moon in the 1st house, folks are in a happy mood feeling very patriotic. They are sharing their experiences over the past few years and evaluating the changes required on a personal level. Managers are examining their business plans as they reorganize how they present their products/service to the public. Expect change at every level of the retail sector.

The Cancer New Moon is a Solar Eclipse at 9° Cancer
This eclipse is the beginning of Saros cycle #156.   A Saros cycle is a period of about 18 years between repetitions of solar and lunar eclipses.  The Wikipedia link gives an animated illustration of a Saros Cycle.

It is said that events and attitudes initiated during the first eclipse of a cycle carry through whenever an eclipse for the numbered cycle reappears. In financial astrology we watch for a Nodal Return and expect that technology associated with the particular company will change thus a crisis in the company concerning new personnel or machinery. A new series means this is the moment of the paradigm shift we are expecting. Expect change.

The eclipse falls across the South Pacific hugging the Antarctic.

Check the horoscopes of family and friends for planets within 5 degrees of 9 Cancer. (Cancer 4° through Cancer 14°) Click through to the article, Economic Implications of a Solar Eclipse in your Personal Horoscope for ideas of how these eclipses will influence events for you personally during the next few months.

Many USA corporations have planets in Cancer.  Be sure to check their charts before investing. The Textbooks for Financial Astrology 1-4  contain the astrological charts for the Dow 30, and a number of the popularly traded commodities. (IPO charts and charts of incorporation for the DOW 30 are also available to purchase separately from our astrology shop at

Mercury appears in the 2nd House
It seems that the value of currency is in a constant state of change.  Expansions of commerce and trade are continually forcing the demand that exchanges for money move quickly and accurately. Communications companies are extremely flexible when investing cash. Expect daily change.

Venus appears in the 1st HouseSummer fashion is quite remarkable.  Folks are adding scarves and hats to add drama and change their summer wardrobe.  Wearable art kiosks will find new customers anxious to add a touch of unique to their summer outfits. Traditional retailers will find their customers purchasing the basic plain clothes with the idea of enhancing the outfit later.

Mars appears in the 12th House
Competition is hiding in the background ready to pounce on any weakness.  Mars in Gemini would rather talk and prefers not to be involved in any conflicts.  Expect warrior type behavior to decrease.

Jupiter appears in the 11th House
(Finally initiating his transit of Taurus, Jupiter will increase the supply of corn, beans, copper, and bling.  He will increase the supply of financial institutions as new styles of banking form start-up companies.  Private investing will continue to be the source of capital for new business.  The Internet is initiating various new financial opportunities for venture capitalists.

Networking rules the summer.  Folks are practical and will find opportunities to earn money with social networking as well as the traditional venues.  Businesses will continue to benefit from social networks, therefore new ones will appear. (link to article, Jupiter in Taurus)

Kaye's predictions for the month
and the full interpretations for the outer planets in the Cancer New Moon - Solar Eclipse chart can be read in it's entirety at

Click the link to find out what Saturn in the 5th, Uranus in the 10th, Neptune in the 9th, and Pluto in the 7th house have in store for us this lunar month!

An in depth study of the Saros series has been done by Bernadette Brady in her book Predictive Astrology:  The Eagle and the Lark

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Leo, July 30, 2011. Subscribe to our newsletter  if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.


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