Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fiscal Cents - Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign

Kaye Shinker's Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign  -  Your Astrological Horoscope and Financial Outlook.
During this Lunar month, August 28 through September 27, the spotlight is on the Zodiac signs of Virgo and Libra.  The Sun is in Virgo, however it will enter the zodiac sign of Libra on September 23. 

Happy Solar Return to Virgo Suns and early Libra Suns!  

Happy Solar Return to our Virgo friends born August 28 through September 22nd - The year ahead promises extra income from your work. Folks see you as an effective leader and assign you extra projects. You will instinctively know how to make routine work fun and be especially adept at teaching. Now is the time to build your rainy day fund account with any extra income.

And Happy Solar Return to our "early" Libra friends born September 23rd through 26th - Keep working hard at your day job, and consider finding a new hobby.  It is prudent to set aside 10% of your income in a savings account especially if your new hobby includes taking a few risks in the markets.

Both signs will be very busy throughout the year ahead. Virgo will find interesting work and profitable ways to spend their spare time. Take a chance once in a while because the odds are good you will win. Virgo’s ability to find the most efficient way to accomplish a task will be recognized and they will be asked to teach others their skills.   Early Libra's will be find the pressure is lifting and by the end of the year life will become interesting and fun. Throwing out the trash in life has been a huge challenge but they are getting it done. 

This Month For Virgo
Enjoy having fun and playing all of your favorite games, Relax and just enjoy everything and everyone around you. It is OK to take time to check the various commodities markets. If you know this market then take a risk from time to time.

Admit it, you like to work. The month ahead promises plenty of extra work. Just remember to toss your extra money in a savings account. Be sure to note those tools that help you get the work done. It is a good idea to visit the dentist.

Advice for everyone! September will find your attention focused on Education for yourself or the children in your life. Now is the time to sign up for a class on any topic of interest and hopefully you will find an additional hobby. This is a great month to have fun. It is an excellent idea to go out and play or shop. Long Void of Course Moons are August 30 and Sept 26.

Household Hint: Thrifty is the new status symbol. Invest your extra time in charity work and set aside the cash required for a new vehicle.

More for all other signs: Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and successes for you during the month ahead in our Fiscal Cents column on the web site.

We suggest that you also read your Ascendant (your Rising sign), as well as your Sun sign on our web site - to read your sun sign's forecast on our web site go to:

If you would like to receive your financial outlook before the next New Moon, click to subscribe to our newsletter.

Be sure to read your horoscope to find out what is ahead for YOU and your finances this coming lunar month! Click here to read Astrological Fiscal Cents. 


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