The Spring Equinox occurs Tuesday March 20 2012 at 1:14 AM EDT Washington D.C. It's officially Spring and a time of celebration and new beginnings!
For your own score card click, link to Countdown to 2012 and print the list of phenomena. Astrological Countdown to the end of the Mayan Calendar.
Happy Astrologers Day March 20!
Astrologers celebrate the New Astronomical Year when the Sun enters Aries. It's not unusual for astrological groups to get together to celebrate and share their thoughts on what the new year will bring. This is an especially festive time with a Grand Earth Trine, and a Venus Jupiter conjunction in the 5th house.
The Spring Equinox chart has Sagittarius rising. Jupiter rules the chart and is conjunct Venus in an Earth Grand trine with Mars and Pluto. There will be great philosophical and analytical discussion of the economy, and a good deal of political discussion regarding the 2012 Presidential election and the USA's involvement in foreign affairs.
Reading The Chart:
In The Textbook for Financial Astrology, Book IV, Kaye Shinker provides us with a table of what each planet and house means in a mundane chart.
Pluto in the first house
The first house in a mundane chart represents the People, and the Sun in mundane astrology represents the Government. Pluto in the first house is square the Sun. Change is demanded by the people, and the demands are resisted. Public outcries and demonstrations are misunderstood and "not heard" because Mercury retrograde is also square Pluto.
Pluto is also involved in a Grand Earth Trine, sextile the Moon-Neptune conjunction in the third.
There is an unrealistic, overwhelming feeling of prosperity and power to the people.
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces in the third house
The third house in a mundane chart has dominion over all forms of transportation and communications. It has to do with the media, public opinion, neighboring nations, and weather in general.
Expect weathermen to have an even more difficult time predicting the weather with Moon conjunct Neptune! Neptune promises a very wet and foggy spring.
Will you be able to trust the media? With Neptune and the Moon influencing reporting, and with Mercury retrograde, I have my doubts they will report unbiased news. Don't believe what you read and only half of what you see and hear!
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Mars Retrograde In Cancer – Old School Nurturing
[image: Degrazia]Mars retrograde in Cancer has been freakishly active in my
world. I’ve been digging up family pictures. Home alone, for the first
time si...
17 hours ago
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