by Marlene Pfeifle (article as posted on the old web site in 2011
it be great if one could say with certainty that when a certain planet
transits another planet the stock market will go up, or that the stock
you just bought this morning will increase significantly in it's price
per share by tomorrow?
Why, we'd all be rich! Unfortunately there is
always room for more than one interpretation of geocosmic energy and
there is always risk involved in the financial markets.
is quite so simple. However, if we do our homework well and then use
astrological principles to help time when we buy and sell stocks, we
have the potential to increase our profits and greatly limit our
downside risk in the financial market. Potential is the keyword here.
best way to use astrology for timing the buying and selling of stocks
is to follow the principles that Kaye Shinker lays out in her Textbooks for Financial Astrology Then choose a sound and solid stock in a favorable sector. Textbook 2 explains the astrological research involved in doing that.
most importantly, research how that stock has performed during past
transits by comparing the stock price chart to the transits of the IPO
chart of the stock. For researching stocks according to their IPO and
incorporation dates, the very best and most reliable source to use is Michael Munkasey's Company Data. Historical prices are easily downloaded in Excel from from sources on the internet.
#1 for a Financial Astrologer: DO NOT think in terms of "Good" =
"Trines and Sextiles" and that "Bad" = "Squares and Oppositions". You
may find yourself being surprised at what can move a stock price! The
benefic planets still seem to line up as "good" planets in financial
astrology, but it is the dynamic energy from 4th harmonic aspects that
creates price change and market movement. Trines and sextiles can be
just a momentary blip up in the price on a day when the entire market is
substantially down.
Although there is no cosmic
guarantee that a particular aspect will predict either a rising or
falling market or stock price, there are a number of geocosmic contacts
that often do produce a predictable rise or drop in price!
a guideline, I urge that when using astrological cookbook
interpretations to always first look at the stock's IPO chart and/or
chart of incorporation to see how planets are aspected in the horoscope.
Generally, I go by the "nothing promised, nothing gained/ or lost"
theory proclaimed by astrologers Ivy Goldstein Jacobson
and other traditionalists, who have taught that if there is not an
aspect in the natal chart between planets then there is "no promise" (no
significant - if any at all - impact ) from an applying aspect between
the same two planets in any future chart.
I have
found if a planet is not aspected strongly in the IPO chart of a stock
chances are, when transited, the price movement will not be significant
or sustaining in either direction - up or down. Additionally, if a
stock is badly aspected by a planet in it's IPO chart then a planet
which is considered to bring about a bullish rise may surprise you when
it does the very opposite! (And visa versa, if a stock is aspected very
well by a planet that is considered to bring about a bearish movement -
you may not see a negative effect, in fact, it can be very positive!)
a First Trade chart (IPO) you must take into consideration (1) the
chart of incorporation, (2) the daily aspects of the moon, and which the
phase the Moon is in (New or Full or Quarter Moon phase) and (3) pay
attention to the unfolding geocosmic energy from planets. Especially
important are which aspects are applying to the First Trade chart as
well as the financial sector of the stock at the same time as the stock
In Bill Meridian's book, Planetary Stock Trading - III, he gives a list of Bullish and Bearish planetary combinations by
transit that, in my experience, I've found to be very reliable. The
following is a list of transiting planetary contacts that he lists (and a
few I have added) - primarily 4th Harmonic aspects - that have more
often than not proved reliably as favorable (or unfavorable) and
generally have moved the market and stock prices:
aspects from Jupiter to most planets and points. Jupiter is very
favorable to all planets and points with the exception of Jupiter
aspects to Mars and Saturn which can trigger both favorable and
unfavorable price swings. (Remember to look at the IPO chart to see how
these planets are connected)
Major aspects between Sun and Venus are generally favorable.
aspects from Neptune to the Sun and to Venus. (With Neptune comes times
of uncertainty filled with hopes, wishes and dreams - they often
coincide with false rumors and illusions. Be sure to take careful note
of how Neptune is aspected in the IPO chart!)
aspects from Uranus to Venus and to the chart angles are generally
favorable. (Note: one must be very certain of the accuracy of chart data
if using angles and pay attention to how well Uranus is placed in the
Major aspects
by Saturn to most planets, and points - with the exception of aspects
from transiting Saturn to Mercury and Mars which can trigger both
favorable and unfavorable price swings.
Major Uranus and Neptune aspects to Pluto.
Major Pluto aspects to an angle or the Lunar nodes. (Again, be certain of the chart!)
takeover can be favorable or unfavorable to a stock's price per share.
Pluto, representing power and control, is often involved by transiting
aspect in buyouts and takeovers of corporations. Jupiter-Pluto an
aspect representing optimism, expansion, change and a thrust toward
power and success is often very favorable.
- An eclipse can have a positive or negative effect that may last as
long as two or three months depending upon the planet aspected by the
eclipse. Eclipses impact the market and the movement of stock prices
by triggering, or turning on, whatever planets they touch within 3
degrees of the applying eclipse aspect. This geocosmic energy can be
triggered during the eclipse or later when a transiting planet
(particularly Mars) activates the eclipse degree by aspect. The hard
aspects, especially the conjunction and square are most notable.
Aspects to either Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus or the stock chart angles
from an eclipse are all favorable. Generally they will give rise in the
price per share of a stock, while eclipses to Saturn and Pluto do the
opposite and tend to drive a stock price down. During an eclipse stock
prices can be unpredictable and erratic.
An important note about the the transiting Moon! -
Always, always, always, pay attention to the daily aspects of the Moon!
The Moon will trigger applying geocosmic aspects into play, as well as
determine the general mood - minute by minute - hour by hour - of the
market each day. Day traders can use the times when the Moon forms an
aspect to time intra-day turning points or reversals. On days when the
Moon makes many aspects the market often has large volumes of buying and
selling, while days when there are not many or no aspects, the market
can be slow or filled with uncertainty. Some astrologers prefer not to
trade during the Void-of-Course Moon, (as well as during Mercury RX),
but I have not been convinced that one necessarily should avoid the
market during these times. Also, the phase the Moon is in - New, Full or
Quarter Moon phases - is important in timing.
The phases of the Moon - New Moon, Full Moon, and Quarter Moon phases are discussed in Randall Ashbourne's article, Moods of the Moon.
On our blog we have posted an article written by Randall Ashbourne, titled Using Daily Aspect Calendars to Time Intraday Trades.
In this article Mr. Ashbourne gives interpretations of the Moon
through the signs and how they affect the market. I find both of these
articles quite noteworthy and recommend them for reading. Highly
recommended is Randall's book, "The Idiot and the Moon" (click link - also available to click from right link navigation on our blog.
planets and geocosmic combinations of aspects influence the market in
many different ways, and each combination of energy driven by the
transits of planets has both positive and negative influences depending
upon many different types of circumstances including the influences of
the greater cycles of geocosmic energy - cycles of the outer planets -
that are unfolding at the same time. Always check your ephemeris and
pay particular attention to the trending market and the unfolding
Happy Trading!
notes: Success in the financial market begins first with the
understanding and use of the principles of what has been considered
traditional types of market analysis, and then applying geocosmic
principles as a final step in one's investment strategy.
is a precise market timing tool, but it can not sensibly be used as a
stand-alone strategy for financial investing. For example, astrology
cannot be used to determine market trends like technical analysis, nor
can astrology be used as a key to determine whether a particular stock
has a sound and solid economic basis like fundamental analysis. My
absolute favorite trading book using technical tools with astrology is
Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and the Moon. In fact, I wouldn't buy a stock without first checking it using Mr. Ashbourne's "Idiot" method.
Llewellyn's New World Astrology Series, Financial Astrology, edited by Joan McEvers. 1991 Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN.
Planetary Stock Trading - III, Bill Meridian. Cycles Research, New York, N Y, 2002.
Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing, Raymond
Merriman. Seek-It Publications, W. Bloomfield, MI, 1995. The Idiot and The Moon, The Compleat and Utter Lunatic Idiot's Guide
to Trading Stocks, Randall Ashbourne, e-Book available on our right links side of our blog.
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