Sunday, June 29, 2014

Jupiter in Leo ... sector rotation to grow

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning June 30,  2014 

 Volatility is likely to return to stock markets in the coming month as Jupiter stops playing "mother" and orders a set of the emperor's new clothes.

The head honcho of the Old Gods is exalted in Cancer, a placement which also tends to favour the United States.

In mid-July, the FatBoy enters Leo, which might give Barack Obama a break, but tends to be not so good for Wall Street.

The winged-heel guy, Mercury, goes Direct again early this week. The Sun opposes Pluto on America's Independence Day and squares Uranus the following week.

Venus and Mars change signs ... Venus into Cancer and Mars out of polite, diplomatic Libra into fight-to-the-death Scorpio.

In Forecast 2014, I advised traders to look for the potential for a tradeable low around the 12th,13th,14th of June.

It worked ... but only for Wall Street. Other markets are starting to diverge markedly ... even Germany's DAX.

Jupiter's sign shift will have a major impact on the popularity of some stock sectors. It's one of the best indicators of stock rotation, where money starts flowing out of one sector and into others.

For those of you who have Forecast 2014, it could be worth another look at the recommendations for March and a check of the long-range technical status of stocks within the mentioned sectors.

One of the sectors which should benefit over the next year is gold mining - and we'll take a look at some gold charts shortly.

Let's look first, though, at the SP500 ... the Pollyanna index. We've been expecting at least a stall to develop at these price levels ... because the index is running into major, long-range planetary price resistance.

We looked at this chart recently and I indicated that past contact with long-range Node lines tended to provoke a strong reaction downwards.

The Node lines are at 1952 and 2005, with a couple of major Mars lines covering the intervening space. After making a low near 1926 on June 12th, Polly rose to 1968 last Tuesday, hitting the first of those Mars lines.

I indicated recently the DAX, the other gloriously optimistic Western index, was also hitting a major planetary stopper - at 10,016. The DAX managed two separate days above that price level, but has now dropped to 9815.

The ASX 200 is still dithering, unable to decide if it wants to hit the upside or downside of its Weekly Planets range.

Meanwhile, gold has embarked on another breakout attempt, though it, too, is dithering between two sets of planetary prices.

My personal "bias" leans towards more upside for gold ... and not just because of Jupiter moving to Leo and the normal seasonal factors.

For a start, on the weekly version of the Sun/Pluto gold chart, ALL rallies start at either the Sun or Pluto and DO NOT END until after making contact with higher Sun or Pluto price levels.

I'm not sure anyone can predict, with absolute certainty, what is happening with gold; there are too many big money players from central banks to the Chinese Government, with vested interests.

However, there is at least a slim chance that the gold Bear is finished and is in the early stages of a new, long-running Bullish leg. In any case, there is a chart we can use to track that possibility.

IF a new Bull is now underway, there should be nothing more than only temporary stalling at the Fibonacci extensions marked on the chart below. Reaching decisively above $1450 would increase the odds the Bear is dead.

Randall AshbourneSafe trading - RA
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.

Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014

  Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Mars opposed Uranus = powder kegs

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning June 23,  2014 

Mars stokes the fires of rebellion again this week, as the Sun moves into protective mode and Venus turns bipolar.

I thought we might spend some time this weekend reviewing the Spooky Stuff, since one wrong move ... by anyone ... this week could easily ignite at least one of the powder kegs.

We're now getting a better sense of just how the current square between Uranus and Pluto is changing the "rules" and nothing will ever be the same again.

In Forecast 2014, I headed the first chapter: 2014 ... and let slip the dogs of war.

I continued: "There is only one real show in the skies this year … a dramatic escalation in the ongoing War of the Gods which has been underway since 2008 and is not due to end until 2015.

Hostilities are likely to hit a new peak in the first four months of 2014.

Astrologically, the primary battle is between the original Old God, Uranus, and Pluto, the ruler of the underworld."

"In ordinary, everyday terms, it manifests as a fight between the proletariat and the plutocrats.

Uranus in Aries symbolises armed rebellion or, at the very least, widespread social unrest which demands radical reform.

Pluto in Capricorn is the deep-willed desire to change nothing; at least nothing which threatens the power and control of the established elites.

Uranus in Aries is irresistible force meeting the immovable object of Pluto in Capricorn.

As the aspect between the two grinds on, the everyday symbolism seems to be spreading.

And it’s likely to reach a new climax in the first few months of 2014, simply because there are few other major astrological transits this year to alleviate the stress."

It's turning out even worse than I thought it might. At a really ordinary level, we can see the symbolism at work in the overthrow of senior House Republican, Eric Cantor, who has been defeated by a challenge from a relatively unknown Tea Party radical reformer.

Cantor, beloved of the banks and big business, is a virtual poster boy for the political power of the established elite. So, too, is Senator John McCain, a robust Republican hawk who had a series of meetings in Kiev stirring up the Ukrainian malcontents determined to overthrow their Russian-linked, elected President.

The result: Russia seized Crimea and the entire, industrialised east of Ukraine is now in armed rebellion. Since they're on "the wrong side", the Washington elites label them "terrorists".

Further south, most of north Africa is in turmoil and the generals are back in control of Egypt, planning to execute quite a lot of the people who had the bad luck to actually get elected not so long ago.

A little further east, the West's attempts to get rid of the Syrian leadership has created a situation where "radical reformers" are on the verge of creating an Islamic caliphate.

Washington is being forced to talk to the Ayatollahs in Iran ... which will anger both the Saudis and the Israelis ... and runs the risk of creating a Baghdad/Teheran coalition which could shut down the entire Persian Gulf in a flash.

Hmmmm. No gas and oil from Russia through the Ukraine pipelines ... no oil tankers getting any further than the Gulf of Oman.

It's little wonder the Chinese last week started moving another four oil rigs into "disputed" areas of the South China Sea, swatting away Vietnamese Coast Guard ships and Filipino protests like annoying gnats.

This weekend it has been revealed the CIA wanted to get into the toy business, manufacturing Osama bin Laden dolls in China whose bearded faces melted away to reveal a red-eyed devil demon. Subtle.

And a report released in London revealed the world's central banks and governments have amassed $29 trillion worth of "real" investments, at least $1 trillion of which is invested directly in stock markets. A trillion dollars, just to give it some sort of meaning we can grasp, is more than the current market value of Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase combined.

In other words ... run the printing presses non-stop at the Mint, launder the money through your tame banks, then overpower the financial markets to create the illusion of recovery.

This Wednesday, Mars will oppose Uranus again, lending "energy" to the "rebellious". Venus, the ruler of money and tangible assets, moves out of her comfort zone in materialistic Taurus into Gemini, where every thought bubble is quickly popped and replaced by another that seems more "interesting".

And the Sun goes into Cancer, symbolic of home, hearth and homeland. Cancer is fiercely protective against threats to the "homeland". We can expect to see the big claw come out.

And, of course, that's emphasised by the New Moon.

This is not going to end well ... and it's not going to end soon. It's one thing, I suppose, for the devil doll makers to stuff up relatively small players like Libya with a "no-fly" zone which actually meant bombing any apartment block, house or office building used by Gadaffi supporters ... and then getting all angsty because the rebels you let loose killed your ambassador.

You can tell the Egyptian generals they're naughty and non-democratic ... and then poop your pants and go running back to the generals when the "people" actually exercise democracy and elect the "wrong" leaders.

Gee, Zeus ... what a mess. And the approach of the power elites has been sooo very successful in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq ... and so on ... they now want to repeat the performance against Russia and China.

Anyway, that's the Spooky Stuff background to what's going on. There'll be another spark ignited this week. No real need to update the charts.

Randall Ashbourne
Safe trading - RA
(You can refresh your memory on the current price targets and Support/Resistance levels from last weekend's report)

Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.

Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

  Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Full Moon low ... or something else?

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning June 16,  2014 

It was a week when all the expectations became reality ... the war drums started sounding again, the Moon in Sadge delivered wide-range days, and Polly and the DAX turned down from long-range planetary price lines.

What we don't know yet is whether it was just a Full Moon drop, part of a Mercury Retrograde spurt-and-reverse, or the start of something significant.

If it's the first, this week should see stock prices stablise and start to rise again.

If it's the second, no real turnaround can be expected until late in the week. That's because there is a general tendency, by no means certain, for a trend which begins near the start of the Mercury Rx cycle to reverse course halfway through the phase.

There's not a lot of astrological activity this week, leading into the Solstice. The most notable event Up There is still Mars and its moves. We've had the square to Pluto and the red planet is now heading into opposition again with Uranus (exact midway through the following week).

The war drums will continue beating. They always made the cavalry nervous.

We'll begin this weekend with a quick look at Canada, which went in the opposite direction from most other Western indices. Price of the composite is still trying to reach an important Pluto/Node zone priced from the early 15,000s to just above 16,000.

If we backtrack, we can see the last two Bear bottoms came in at Pluto/Node zones ... the last one of which I've circled. The reason I highlight that zone is because it's made up of "mirror" lines and the orange Node line now priced at 16,012 was a major player in stopping the last Bull peak.

There's a general tendency for these zones to act a little like strong magnets over the longer term. That tendency is why I was fairly sure both the SP500 and Germany's DAX were due to make an exact touch of some overhead planetary prices. The DAX hit 10,033 on Tuesday, a slight overshoot, and then started backing off strongly.

Pollyanna hit her high on Monday, also with a slight overshoot. In both cases, the indices have hit long-range planet lines which should be strong enough to cause a strong countertrend. However, it's difficult to be sure of anything with Mercury Retrograde.

There is also a technical reason for last week's drop. Earlier in the year we spent several weeks discussing potential trades set up by price breaks of the outer BBs and I circled some past instances of normal behaviour when that happens.

India also ran into troubles last week, failing to break past a couple of Saturn barriers on the Nifty's Weekly Planets chart. The price bars are daily, not weekly, and so is the Big Bird oscillator which was clearly disenchanted with the new price highs.

The ASX 200 has been in an intermediate downtrend, though it's really more of a sideways shuffle so far. Weekly Big Bird suggests there is more downside to come.
The problem for the ASX continues to be the August 2007 spike low ... a resistance barrier I've talked about before, known as hitting the last low before the high.

The LLBH price is not far above an important Fibonacci Retracement level. Still, in overall terms, the index is clinging to a weak uptrend, riding external Fibonacci parallels of its main pitchfork. All 3 Birds ... Fast 6, Medium 14 and Long-Range 50 ... are stacked in decline mode.

There hasn't been a monthly close below the current Fibonacci fork extension since the index fell off the main tynes.

As stocks dropped, gold jumped ... getting a boost from holding support at the horizontal Pluto level and rising Sun. The rise brought it up to the next Pluto level.

I'm still wary about just how long this rally will last or how far it can go ... because of the technical damage done during the last big dump on the overnight markets.

Randall Ashbourne
Safe trading - RA
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

  Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Within mere points of a possible turn south

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning June 9,  2014 

Long story short ... Pollyanna and the DAX are now smooching long-range planetary lines likely to halt the rally.

We'll take a look at the relevant charts in a moment, but first spend a moment or two on the Spooky Stuff.

This weekend, the little mischief maker, Mercury, turns retrograde for the rest of the month, so it's time for the usual warnings.

Firstly, double-check everything you do and take a few extra seconds to concentrate on whether you're about to do what you actually intended to do. Expect technical signals to fail and data to go awry. And remember that a trend which starts around the Rx date is prone to reversal midway through the cycle (which ends in early July).

Midweek the Moon goes into Sagittarius for a couple of days. That usually means wide-range days when either the fear or the optimism is unduly exaggerated.

The end of the week brings the normally negative period of a Full Moon, along with a Venus opposed to Saturn aspect on the same day. And next Saturday, Mars will square Pluto ... the war drums start sounding again.

This weekend's edition will be brief, since we'll concentrate on Pollyanna, the SP500, and Germany's DAX ... both of which ended last week in a lip-lock with long-range planetary price levels which should, in a normal world, cause a major stall in the rally.

It's not, of course, a normal world. Mario Draghi has finally done what he's been hinting at for a year ... charging to put money in the bank.

For the moment it applies only to banks lodging money with the European Central Bank. But that's only the first step. The ultimate aim of the banksters is to charge people for keeping money in the bank.

The velocity of money ... the number of times the same dollar changes hands ... has slowed to a crippled crawl. In effect, when times are good, people are confident of the future and they spend. So, every dollar changes hands very quickly. When people are worried, they don't spend, they hoard ... and the velocity of money slows down.

Draghi has finally taken the first step, ostensibly to force banks to start lending, rather than parking their money in central vaults. He has opened the door for banks to start charging customers to make deposits, rather than paying even meagre interest on those deposits.

Nevermind. We've been looking recently at some of my long-range planetary price charts and I suggested there were certain key levels which "should" be hit.

The two leading Western indices are now there, short of the marks by only a few dollars. Let's look first at the 500. Polly just blew past a primary Saturn priced near 1930 on the weekly charts and is now close to hitting a Node line at 1952.

I've circled her "normal" reaction to hitting these Node levels in the past. They tend to cause a stall or a sharp drop.

The price range from 1952 to 2006 represents a long-range Node "zone" and there are a couple of major Mars price levels within that zone. The alternative to a downturn is a period of range-trading within the zone.

The next chart is for Germany's DAX, which hit a new peak at 10,013.69 on Thursday, only a couple of points away from one of the targets I showed in Forecast 2014. This is a major Pluto level; the DAX is hitting it with growing divergence in the long-range Big Bird oscillator.

The next chart is pure favoritism. It's my home index, the ASX200 ... and still the index can't stay north of the weekly Saturn barrier, priced at 5519 for the coming week.

And, finally for this weekend, a quick look at gold's daily. I indicated last weekend it was at, or close to, a potential bounce level since price had come down to a horizontal Pluto level and could get some help from a rising, secondary Sun line. And that's what we have ... for the moment!

How long the bounce will last I have no idea. Another breakdown is probably even more likely than a northbound breakout, simply because of the technical damage done during the recent price drop.

I suppose we could waffle at length about gold. About how the first small load of gold returned to Germany had the wrong stamps on it. Y'see the gold stored at Fort Knox ... rolling around the floor laughing ... and in New York is hallmarked with the owner's brand and it's exactly those bars which are supposed to be returned to them.

It's not what Germany actually got back. According to other reports, vast numbers of big gold bars, carrying various central bank hallmarks, are being put through the Swiss smelters ... and are coming out the other end stamped with Chinese hallmarks.

In fact, if some reports are credible, China is accumulating more physical gold than the total annual supply from all the world's mines. If that's true, there's only one explanation ... they're stockpiling "old gold". Yes, the stuff that's supposed to be sitting in the New York and London vaults.

I guess that means, for us, that when the banks start imposing their SuperMario levy, it's not going to be 0.15%.

Randall Ashbourne
Safe trading - RA

Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

  Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD