The Gemini New Moon appears May 24, 2009 at 8:11 AM EDT Washington D.C. This New Moon will be dominated by Mercury Rx.
Read the New Moon report at
The New Moon Forecast contains predictions and monthly information on the current financial and economic outlook.
Just a note: In her report, Kaye continues the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears saying, " Goldilocks called Marley! and asked her if she could go to Spain to pick up Ferdinand and bring him to the home of the Three Bears on Wall Street...
Marley warned Goldilocks that the Bull probably won't be ready to return to Wall Street until 2010.
Goldilocks thinks the Bears plan to go on a vacation but Mama Bear has promised to come back in September. (Saturn opposed Uranus)"
Marley actually is leaving to vacation in Spain and Portugal - Packing during Mercury Retrograde was a challenge.
See ya'll with more posts when I get back!
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