Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:
New Moon in Aries in the 12th House
The New Moon concentration of planets in the 12th house suggests that public institutions are under intense pressure. Budgets must be cut. No public employee wants to lose their job, but lack of tax receipts insist that whole agencies disappear. Elected officials will be required to make tough decisions. These decisions will be made behind closed doors.
Mercury in the 12th house
This Mercury, while direct, continues to discuss laws concerning helping the poor/disabled and institutionalized. Opinions are forcefully expressed and stubbornly held.
The real problem is when Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus. The media on both sides of every scandal will discuss them, but no one is able to agree on a solution. Don't ask anyone to make a decision any further into the future than an hour.
Venus in the 12th house
Institutions and governments try to increase their budgets by asking for donations and grants. Some are able to increase their budgets and benefits. Parks and recreation will gain more receipts than expected since they are the least expensive of recreation options.
Mars in the 3rd house
Auto sales are slow because of Mercury retrograde. Folks are anticipating future machines with better mileage than what is currently available. Recreational vehicle sales are also slow.
Commodities markets have problems. Commodities prices are all over the place. News reports concerning weather will cause volatile grain prices. Erratic demand for metals will keep traders extremely busy. The underlying problem is currency and their floats.
Pluto in the 8th house
Pluto is at home in the 8th and happily collecting taxes and insurance premiums. Tax collections are higher than expected. The party in power takes the praise and the blame for higher everything. You may begin to recognize the cultural shift will in attitudes toward personal responsibility. Folks are considering new ways to incorporate their businesses into a desirable lifestyle.
Neptune in the 10th house
Employment continues to be elusive especially at the managerial levels. Creative and ingenious personnel is the need. Folks with the talent to manipulate audio, video and the written word in an attractive setting are the desired employees as advertising returns to the media. Opportunities abound for those behind the scenes and producing creative material.
Jupiter in the 11th house
Jupiter is rapidly moving to a conjunction with Uranus. 80% of their conjunctions have produced a high in the market. The same is true for transits of Jupiter to the Uranus on a Corporation. Therefore corporations formed during the 1920's and still operating on their original incorporation documents should do well during this transit. Dividends paid this month will be excellent and higher than forecasted. Double check your research and try a few stocks in the materials and machinery sector.
Uranus in the 11th house
Tech stocks have outfoxed us. Note the ones with cash on their balance sheets. (See the topic, "New economy? Stocks with cash and no debt" in the community bulletin board) They have survived this crisis and learned the magic lesson of how to do it again. In the 11th they may chose to reward their shareholders with dividends. Unlikely, but possible with Uranus the planet of unexpected changes.
Kaye Shinker
Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Taurus, May 13, 2010.Subscribe to our newsletter if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.
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