Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trading the Moods of the Moon

As Randall Ashbourne mentions in his eBook, The Idiot & The Moon, astrologers have been aware of the effects of the Moon's moods for a long time.

We have seen short-term price highs occurring in the financial market with New Moons.

Yesterday the DOW briefly passed 13,000 for the first time since May 2008. The day after the New Moon we have begun to see things in another light! Stocks closed lower Wednesday for the first time in four trading days.

The Moon begins to grow, shedding new light upon us. We see in this new light that there are challenges to face. We are no longer under a hopeful spell and full of optimism. Optimism begins to fade.

Today, the day after the New Moon, it was quite choppy trading in the Pisceans waters! Oil prices swung back and forth, and equities either stalled or remained in negative territory. We wonder, does our economic situation warrant such highs? Apparently we are not sure, and so it shows.

There is so much risk out there. And, as astrologers we understand cycles, transiting aspects, and the whole concept of "as above, so below". But something so simple as knowing how the 28 day cycle of the Moon can affect the financial market is, well… simply too simple – even for us! We can be disbelievers as much as the people who scoff at astrology! How can it be that simple?

Readers of The Idiot & The Moon, when they try Randall's method of using the Moon phases with a filter he calls The Idiot, (because it is so simple!) are impressed. They not only prove it to themselves that it works, but some readers have even found interesting and more profitable variations using the Moods of the Moon and the "filter" Randall reveals in his book.

What is wonderful is that they are so pleased with the results they share it with us.
And, as astrologers, we definitely should not only take advantage of our understanding of astrology, but be willing to share this knowledge!

Here's a letter from a reader that Randall received just the other day and sent to me to share with you:

" Hello Randall,

"…I like the simplicity of the phases of the moon and I couldn't believe it could be so easy. So to prove it to myself I constructed a spread sheet starting with selling 1 share of SPY on Dec 30, 2005 and continuing with the pattern of selling 1 additional share on Q1, buying 3 shares on FM (to get long 1 share), buying 1 additional share on Q3, selling 3 shares (to get short 1 share) on NM .... I entered the prices of the opens and the closes on my spread sheet to see if there might be a small advantage to trading the system on the opens.

To my amazement the system does work, but you knew this already. What I also found was that by entering trades at the opening prices you would have out performed the trades entered on the close of the day, except in 2006. From Dec 30, 2005 until Feb 7, 2012, trading 1 share of SPY, the system profited $207.78 using opening prices and $160.53 using closing prices. And in 2008, when the system trading the closes showed a small loss of -$6.50 per share and the opening prices showed a profit of $42.80 during the same time period. " JM

Randall's reply to him was, "… I'm glad you've found the information useful and, having proved it for yourself (not to mention finding an even-more-profitable tweak), I hope the combination of some of the simple methodologies outlined in the book help you make future dreams come true. Warm regards and best wishes" – RA 

Recommended reading on's web site -    The Moods of the Moon - Profitable Stock Trading Using the Cycles of the Moon, by Randall Ashbourne

NOTE! - Randall Ashbourne writes a free stock market report using common sense, technical analysis and financial astrology techniques. Please bookmark and check each weekend for his weekly reports at 

40-page forecast for the year ahead! The Idiot & The Moon now comes with Forecast 2012, which includes major turn dates and reliable price targets for the SP500 and ASX200 - and a guide on what moves the FTSE, the DAX and the Nifty over long-range trends.  After purchasing your copy, you will receive an email from Mr. Ashbourne with the Forecast 2012 attached.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The New Moon in Pisces 2012

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the lunar month based upon location of the chart

Preface: In Lesson Eight, titled Mundane Astrology, in The Textbook for Financial Astrology, Book 4, Kaye Shinker outlined how to read a New Moon chart. Kaye always read the New Moon chart from the point of view of Washington D.C. and gave predictions in the newsletters foretelling events which included economic, political, sociological, entrepreneurial, and meteorological conditions.

My New Moon reports will be different. I prefer to use New York, NY for the location of the New Moon chart instead, and will focus on the economic issues and political conditions affecting the financial market. In my reading I'll interpret the house placement of the New Moon for the NYSE and major aspects going on as represented chart. As time goes on the format may change, so let me know what you think!

But for now, let's look at the chart from the point of view of Wall Street and the NYSE. (Click chart for larger image)

What is going on here?!?!

Well, to start, the Sun entered the zodiac sign of Pisces on the 19th. For financial markets the Sun represents the government, heads of state, the CEO's and presidents of corporations. In Pisces these entities wake each day to a boundless and ethereal Piscean world having visions of utopia.

Interestingly, this chart lacks dynamic energy, and what I mean by lacking dynamic energy is, when using very tight orbs, the only major aspect between planets is the 6th house conjunction of the New Moon with Neptune!

Basically, at the exact time of the New Moon, all the planets with the exception of the Sun, Moon and Neptune are without aspect! Planets without aspect often act without restraint – or sometimes they just quietly hold back and don't act at all. This new Moon conjunction takes place in Pisces – so folks, we may be confused about what is ahead this month. Confusion equals volatility in the stock market.

The New Moon conjunct Neptune in the 6th house
The focus is on jobs and the health of the economy. Unemployment figures may be up, and the stock market may appear to be rallying to new heights, but we wonder, is it all a Piscean illusion?

Healthcare stocks may lead the market.

Mercury in the 7th House
Two days after the New Moon, Mercury will oppose Mars on February 23 at 17° Pisces. That will be the last aspect Mercury makes before changing signs to join Venus and Uranus in the aggressive sign of Aries. A challenging aspect, this opposition may manifest in a breakdown of communication regarding mergers and public relations.

Click this link to read the rest of the report and discover what the rest of the planets have in store for Wall Street in this lunar month!

Moon phases (for those who trade using phases of the Moon)
New Moon February 21 - 1st quarter Moon, February 29;  Full Moon, March 8;  Last quarter Moon, March 14;   next New Moon, March 22.  (Read Randall Ashbourne's article, The Moods of the Moon - Trading the Mood Swings of the Monthly Lunar Cycle

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site.  Subscribe to our newsletter  if you would like to receive announcements and the next forecast before the next New Moon.

40-page forecast for the year ahead! The Idiot & The Moon now comes with Forecast 2012, which includes major turn dates and reliable price targets for the SP500 and ASX200 - and a guide on what moves the FTSE, the DAX and the Nifty over long-range trends.  After purchasing your copy, you will receive an email from Mr. Ashbourne with the Forecast 2012 attached.
FYI - Each weekend Mr. Ashbourne writes a stock market forecast in his Eye of Ra Report on his web site,  The information on the web site is free, I hope you take advantage of the valuable information he shares in his books and on the web site.

The Eye of Ra is updated each Sunday, and past week reports are available in his Eye of Ra Stock Market Archives.
News from Astro Economics: (excerpt from February's Astro Economics newsletter...)
"January 2012 was the best month for the stock market since 1997! Are the investors back? Have they decided to stop listening to the negative news sources and actually looking at reliable sources? Although GDP growth is slow it is moving in the right direction as are employment rates. The Federal Reserve has expressed its intention to keep interest rates low into 2014. (This may be why many analysts are again touting gold.) Low interest rates are always good for the stock market. Last week at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, leaders of U.S. companies were mostly positive on the future of the economy.
Historically the Golden Cross is considered a positive sign for the months ahead in the stock market. The Golden Cross occurs when the 50-day moving-average and the 200-day moving-average form a cross. This occurred on 1/31/12 in the S&P 500 Index. Past results point to future gains..." Grace K Morris

Monday, February 20, 2012

March 2012 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of March 2012.
March 2012 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Click image to view full size calendar.

March 2012 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the FTSE, for the month of March 2012.
March 2012 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Click image to view full size calendar.

March 2012 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of March 2012.
March Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, NSW, Australia

Click image to view full size calendar