Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 2014, Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of May, 2014.
May 2014,  Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE
Click to view larger image
 Using locational transiting aspects is critical in market timing.  Have these calendars BEFORE they are posted each month.

Calendars come complete as full 13-month calendars January 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015.

 There are three separate 13-month calendars -  transit to transit aspects for the NYSE, FTSE, and ASX.

Download these handy PDF calendars to your iPad, or other electronic reader and/or and phone, and of course, to your computer to read. (They are printable as well.)

Included are transit to transit aspects; dates of Moon Phases, Planets Stationing (changing directions) and Eclipses; and a schedule of open hours and days for each market, New York, London, and Australia.

These calendars can be purchased individually for $8.00, but all three are available for $16.00 Click to purchase.

May 2014 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the FTSE, for the month of May, 2014.
May 2014  Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE
Click to view larger image
Using locational transiting aspects is critical in market timing.  Have these calendars BEFORE they are posted each month.

Calendars come complete as full 13-month calendars January 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015.

 There are three separate 13-month calendars -  transit to transit aspects for the NYSE, FTSE, and ASX.

Download these handy PDF calendars to your iPad, or other electronic reader and/or and phone, and of course, to your computer to read. (They are printable as well.)

Included are transit to transit aspects; dates of Moon Phases, Planets Stationing (changing directions) and Eclipses; and a schedule of open hours and days for each market, New York, London, and Australia.

These calendars can be purchased individually for $8.00, but all three are available for $16.00 Click to purchase.

May 2014 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of May, 2014.
May 2014  Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX
Click to view larger image
Using locational transiting aspects is critical in market timing.  Have these calendars BEFORE they are posted each month.

Calendars come complete as full 13-month calendars January 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015.

 There are three separate 13-month calendars -  transit to transit aspects for the NYSE, FTSE, and ASX.

Download these handy PDF calendars to your iPad, or other electronic reader and/or and phone, and of course, to your computer to read. (They are printable as well.)

Included are transit to transit aspects; dates of Moon Phases, Planets Stationing (changing directions) and Eclipses; and a schedule of open hours and days for each market, New York, London, and Australia.

These calendars can be purchased individually for $8.00, but all three are available for $16.00 Click to purchase.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site, 
Randall Ashbourne 
Get well wishes are being sent Randall Ashbourne's way, as he is recuperating in hospital after suddenly taking ill this past Friday. There will be no Eye of Ra weekend report for now.
May you use this time to rest, recharge and energize. All the best Randall!

Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Maximum impact is dead ahead!

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning April 21, 2014
The next few days could kill the 5-year Bull run which has lifted some major stock indices to all-time highs.

It is the week in which the extreme energy of a Cardinal Grand Cross involving Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto hits its exact orb with all four planets at 13 degrees ... of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Many stock markets roared northwards again last week, getting a lift from the lunar eclipse Full Moon in Libra into Thursday's Venus trine with Jupiter as the Moon went into Sagittarius.

In the next few days, many things will break. You may have noticed the unusually larger number of significant earthquakes reported in the past few weeks, many of which sparked tsunami warnings from the west Pacific to the coast of South America.

This is one of the "expectations" from a hard aspect involving Uranus and Pluto.

And it's an energy which will hit maximum impact between Monday and Wednesday.

It will coincide with earnings season reports for USA stocks hitting high gear. Some of the world's biggest companies ... Apple, Microsoft, McDonalds, Facebook and Netflix ... are due to report and Wall Street is hoping the results will be good enough to lift markets above the resistance levels that have been holding them back for the first few months of this year.

Margin debt on USA stocks is at its highest level since the previous Bull peak and, by traditional PE methods, the SP500 is massively overvalued.

And the negative divergence on weekly and monthly charts has been building steadily.

Last weekend I published a number of charts showing the exact planetary price levels to watch closely on a number of indices as this week's trading unfolds. I'll include the charts for a number of other indices in this edition.

However, let's begin with an update on the state of Pollyanna, the SP500. Regular readers will know $1876 is an important, long-range price barrier for this index. Last week's strong bounce regained almost all of the previous week's losses and has put the level in-play yet again.

If you're a new reader, you might want to consult the past few editions of the Eye for more background on what to expect. It is possible that this week's action will confirm a long-range Bull market peak has been hit.

The chart below highlights the historical reaction of Pollyanna to two of the aspects hitting exactitude this week. The red bars are Mars opposing Uranus and the blue bars are Jupiter squaring Uranus.

As you can see, one or both were present at both previous Bull peaks for Pollyanna. And that's without having Pluto in the mix!

The next few charts show the exact price levels of these astrological aspects on, in order, the Amsterdam, Paris, Singapore and Malaysian indices.

The relevant chart for my home index, the ASX200 was published last weekend and you can see it there if you need a memory refresher.

Perhaps even more importantly, though, is the fact that on April 10th, the ASX200 briefly kissed a technical level which always sparks a strong reaction downwards.

We discussed this a long time ago now when the American indices hit the level. It is a little-known reaction called hitting "the last low before the high". We're talking about the massive spike down in August 2007, which was the last low before the 2007 Bull high.

It took the index a very long time to get back there - $5483 - and the rebuff from it was sudden and sharp.

It is probably the key breakout level for the Australian stock market, which has dramatically underperformed throughout this 5-year Bullish phase.

The boxed red numbers show the size of the slumps which have occurred during the recovery. You will notice the long-range Big Bird oscillator disagrees emphatically with the attempt to break out northwards.

There is huge danger in hitting major resistance, with weakening oscillators, in the exact timeframe of one of the most extreme aspects we will see in our lifetime.

If this goes as "expected" - which is a breakdown, rather than a breakout - the resulting slump will dwarf those previous declines.

Randall Ashbourne

Safe trading - RA
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Oh, but we ain't seen nuttin' yet!

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning April 14, 2014 
 Volatile, isn't it? Downright Spooky. We've been discussing for quite some time now the special danger posed by this month.

And what we've seen so far is only the orchestra warming up. This week we enter a two-week timeframe when the energies involved in a rare Cardinal Grand Square start hitting maximum tempo.

It starts on Monday - Euro-American market time - when Mercury adds its weight.

Tuesday brings another boost with a lunar eclipse Full Moon in Libra.

Thursday could be very interesting as Venus trines Jupiter with the Moon going into Sagittarius, a brief period when either extreme optimism, or extreme pessimism, will take hold. We've chatted before about the tendency for markets to make wide-range days with the Moon in Sadge.

And the following week, Mars, the mover of markets, adds maximum drive.

A lot of the astrological background is in the recent Archives and I see no point in rehashing the same-old, same-old. Instead, we will try to deal with the specific price levels on various indices.

Before we do, allow me to waffle a tad more about astrological "expectations". I know ... I nag about this like an irritating Virgo witch. Tough titties.

Astrology is complicated. Very complicated. To be able to predict, with accuracy, what is likely to happen, one needs an accurate "birth" chart.

 One can make generalised predictions ... but the reality is they're often about as useful as the Sun sign horoscopes in a tabloid. But to make specific predictions, one needs a birth chart ... and then one needs to sit for hours actually studying the intimate details of that particular chart.

There is a form of shortcut we can use for financial markets ... because we can calculate the EXACT price levels which will have an impact IF price hits those levels on the EXACT day of the transits.

And that's what we'll look at this weekend.

 Firstly, though, we'll return to a chart we've looked at quite a few times during the past couple of months ... the primary planetary prices affecting Pollyanna, the SP500.

 We've been discussing the heavy resistance provided by the Pluto level priced at $1876. Polly has now dropped through the $1824 Neptune level and is close to the first of two Uranus lines. On Monday, Mercury will conjunct Uranus. It could bounce from $1811 ... or continue dropping to $1788.

Now let's take a look at all the price levels which could be very important to this idex over the next couple of weeks as Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto set-off this explosion of Cardinal energy.

Apart from this Monday/Tuesday, the most important dates are the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of the following week. Decisive closes through these price levels on those days will probably determine the future of the trend.

We also need to watch for bounces within a dollar or two of these exact price levels.

Because Pluto is involved in the Cardinal Grand Square, the future of gold is also at stake. As we know, the Sun and Pluto are gold's "natural" planetary rulers and have an important impact on trend direction.

That'll be even more important over the next few weeks.

The next few charts show the relevant price levels for, in order, the ASX200, the German DAX, London's FTSE and India's Nifty.

Now, that's probably the best I can do in terms of "prediction". I've been "expecting" this timeframe to bring in a long-term High. There are other astrologers who expect it to bring in a Low.

Yada-yada/blah-blah. Forget the expectations and remember this ... No contact, no impact. You have the dates, you have the price levels for various indices.

Watch for bounces from, rejections from, or closes through those levels on those days.

Oops. One more thing. I need to create a 2nd Quarter Archives page. In the meantime, (if you are reading this on the astrologicalinvesting blog) you can access last week's Eye by scrolling down.

Randall Ashbourne

Safe trading - RA
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD


Saturday, April 5, 2014

One swallow does not a summer make

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site,  The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning April 7, 2014 
And Friday's rather dramatic turnaround for Wall Street stocks ... and gold ... doesn't necessarily signal The Turn for either of them.

It is possible, for a whole range of reasons on both technical and astrological levels.

But we are dealing in both cases with markets that are heavily manipulated.

We have been discussing for some time, in the Eye and in Forecast 2014, the special danger posed by April ... and that danger has been growing because of the negative divergence building in the oscillators on weekly and monthly charts.

We'll concentrate this weekend on trying to work out whether this is just another part of the big boys' game, or whether the tide has finally turned.

Normally, I do not give too much weight to a single day's trading. But, if this one is a real "false break", it could be the start of a major downswing that could get very ugly for those caught unprepared.

We'll deal firstly with something I warned about in Forecast 2014 and have discussed specifically a couple of times in the Eye this year, including only last weekend.

We looked last weekend at last week's Sun transits to Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto as a possible precursor to what might happen later in April when Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto align in a Cardinal Grand Square. You might want to refresh your memory by reading last weekend's edition again.

There is a chance that those Sun transits have acted as a "trigger". So, let's begin this weekend by looking at the bigger transits, the major component of which is Jupiter in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn while squaring Uranus in Aries.

The first chart is a multi-decade view of the SP500 with Jupiter square Uranus marked in red bars, Jupiter trine Uranus marked in green bars, and Jupiter opposed Pluto in blue bars.

As I've indicated before ... these are dangerous. In one guise or another they were there leading into the 1987 flash crash and again at the two previous Bull market peaks.

We can zero-in on the next chart to get a closer view. We are now in the month of Jupiter's third and final "hit" of squaring Uranus AND it concides with an opposition to Pluto. In 2000, the Bear had started to bite with the red square to Uranus and then the real mauling began with the first of the blue oppositions to Pluto.

The third hit of the square to Uranus in 2007 brought the Bull top and a rapid Bear mauling. Now we have the same aspects again.

On top of those omens, we have what might be a "false break". This is when price temporarily breaks through an important barrier and goes into a sudden and largely unexpected reversal. False breaks always provoke very fast moves in the opposite direction. A number of times this year we've discussed the real trouble Pollyanna was having trying to break free of an overhead primary Pluto barrier on her daily charts.

Last Tuesday, the overnight computers went to work - forcing a gap Open on the index to get it above that barrier. But, it didn't last.

And that's what makes Friday's action ... a new, all-time High, followed by a fast and dramatic reversal ... so dangerous. Because, that Pluto line is an important long-range barrier, not just a daily hurdle.

The two previous Bull peaks also occurred at a long-range Pluto line. Trace backwards the one marked with the $1518 price tag and you'll see what I mean.

The upshot of all this is basically what I said in last weekend's headline ... April may be "it". Let's not get married to the idea to the exclusion of all else.

It is, so far, just a single day's trade. But, if this is a real false break, the stock markets could turn really ugly, really fast.

On the flip side, gold has turned northwards within the fairly narrow price range we anticipated should bring about a bounce. All of the big picture stuff is in the special gold report I sent out a couple of weeks ago.

You know I was expecting a down move to retest the validity of the rising primary Sun line - and that, too, is in last weekend's edition.

Here is the update.

We talked about a potential hit of the $1273 level, the intersection of a secondary Pluto horizontal with the rising Sun line. And I also said: "There is no guarantee it will be hit, however, since Friday bounced from another "obvious" level - the 50% retracement marker of the post-December rally. This could be an important level, and if it can hold, leaves gold in a position to mount another strong rally leg."

 And here's what happened.

The 50% retracement level was broken by only a small amount and only relatively briefly. It is another example of what happens with a "false break".

As I said last weekend, the 3 Birds in the oscillator panel were signalling a potential turnaround in the gold price and that the Birds were already stacked in approaching rally mode for a lot of individual gold mining stocks. And now they're stacked that way for gold itself.

It's too early to say with any real degree of certainty that the long-range tides have turned for both stocks and gold. But the evidence for exactly that scenario has been building for quite some time - and much moreso on stock indices other than those on Wall Street.

Individually, we need now to check the charts - monthly, weekly and daily - on all the stocks we are holding.

And we need to remember the very first rule of survival: Always protect your capital. 

Randall Ashbourne

Safe trading - RA
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

Purchase Forecast 2014 and receive a special report on GOLD