January 18, 2010 Jupiter moves into Pisces This is a short visit. He enters Aries June 7, 2010 returns to Pisces September 9, 2010. He returns to Aries January 22, 2011
My optimistic view is the nursery tune Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Jupiter means an abundant supply. During most of 2009 he transited Aquarius. He produced an abundant supply of electronic stuff. Therefore the prices for electronic stuff plummeted. It did not mean that all Technology type equities lost value, it meant that the best of breed gained value and their competitors lost value.
The markets world wide get very nervous when Jupiter changes signs. The problem is that the public changes its mind about what it wants. December 2009 Jupiter was in Aquarius. The public wanted anything and everything that they could recharge or plug into the wall. There were plenty of items. The companies who produced popular items found the price of their stock increased. Apple computer had the most popular items and in 2009 the price of their stock increased 100%. Remember when you wanted an I Phone last year? Dell’s offerings were less popular therefore their stock price increased 10%.
Which Pisces type equity will win the battle?
Pisces is all about fuel and energy. Jupiter is all about an abundant supply. Jupiter’s previous transits of Pisces were 1962,1974,1986,1998. Price of gas adjusted for inflation was $1.34 in 1974, $1.42 in 1986, $1.40 in 1998, and 12/10/2009 $2.79. Price will go down? The 1973-4 Oil Embargo ended in March of 1974 several weeks after Jupiter entered Pisces.
What energy do you plan to spend money on this year?
When Jupiter changes signs the emphasis of favored market sectors switches. In January 2010 markets will start the year by being very nervous even when Mercury turns direct on January 15. It will probably be February before the traders adjust to the sector change. Usually one or two sectors related to Pisces will begin to appeal public and then the stock traders. Gas, oil, drugs could be the first to gain popularity. In the Textbook for Financial Astrology I discuss all of the economic sectors ruled by Pisces. Each Textbook gives you additional information on Jupiter transits.
On page 33 Textbook One I start you off with some of the areas of the economy ruled by Pisces. Think about some of the industries involved in these areas.
Pisces rules some scary things that can become treacherous when found in abundant supply. For example: illegal drugs, alcholoic beverages, crime, and prisions. Imagine an abundant supply of drugs with very thin profit margins. Imagine an abundant supply of alcholic beverages and cheap wine. Chronic unemployment can increase the crime rate and therefore the number of prison inmates. Unemployment will attract entreprenuers in these areas and law enforcement will have some real problems keeping up with people who are unable to pay for their additctions.
Pisces rules chemicals, oceans, and surplus materials
Pisces also rules fantasy, photography, dancing and film. Look out UTube.
As for a surplus of fish. You knew I would finally get around to FISH Eat them while they are cheap. Fish oil will keep you heart healthy. Rejoice all the good for you diet food and what do you know, there will be an abundant supply of hospitals.
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Thanks for the post and have a nice day.