Thursday, September 29, 2011

Goldman Sachs Red Flags

Notice GOLDMAN SACHS being associated with the Greek debt crisis.
How and when did Europe's crisis originate? Pat Hardy posted the following quote on Facebook. I thought you might find the charts of Goldman Sachs very interesting since the Incorporation chart clearly demonstrates one of the seven Red Flags I discuss in The Textbook for Financial Astrology Book 2 that investors need to check before putting cash into an equity.

"Let's start back in 2001, when 17 European countries scrapped their national currencies and replaced them with the euro. The new "eurozone" bloc permitted some of its economically weaker members to borrow money more cheaply than they 'd been able to do previously, because they benefited from the higher credit ratings of the region's stronger economies.
As a result, many European countries, including Greece and Ireland, began to take on debt. (In Greece's case, by the way, this effort was aided by Goldman Sachs, which, for a fee, came up with a clever way to allow Greece to disguise the extent of its borrowing). By early 2010, investors began to worry that those two countries, and also Portugal, might not be able to repay their obligations.
Details of the financial meltdowns have varied from country to country. In Greece, the problem was a culture of tax evasion, combined with excessive public spending. (As Michael Lewis of Vanity Fair wrote recently, to get around pay restraints in the calendar year, "the Greek government simply paid employees a 13th and even 14th monthly salary--months that didn't exist.") "

Two Red Flags Warn Investors
The astrology of Goldman's loss of value to shareholders begins with Neptune opposed Mercury in their Incorporation chart March 10 2009. I refer to the aspect as "Teller of Tall Tales" or exaggerating the truth. The GS stock price was $99. Their IPO chart had an excellent string of favorable Jupiter sextile itself and trine Venus and investors brought up the value of the stock. The aspect reappeared on Aug 24, 2009 ($164), and again January 11, 2010($165). Throughout 2010 and early 2011 the Incorporation and IPO charts continued their string of favorable Jupiter aspects leading to the IPO Jupiter return April 17 2011.($155) However in the Incorporation chart Pluto opposed Moon February 20, 2011 suggesting the investing public is concerned about the honesty of management reports. This aspect repeats May 29, 2011 ($135) and again December 20, 2011. (now $92)

November 2011 Solar Eclipse
Goldman Sachs, Pluto is at 5 degrees Sagittarius and the Nov. 25, 2011 will be at 2 Sag. Very close and asking the company to rethink its projection to the world. Also Uranus will be sextile its Neptune which will help them think through their PR at the moment but it is going to be very difficult for GS to escape their past transgressions as the Ides of March 2012 find Neptune moves to conjunct their South Node.
Both Incorporation and IPO charts have a huge variety of aspects throughout 2012 suggesting some price improvement after Uranus passes the Mid-heaven initiating radical changes in the structure and management of the company. For further timing on this stock, note the Inc. Mars and the IPO Sun.

If you would like to add to your analytical skills concerning investing, I offer classes that explain how to use astrology to invest in the markets.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The New Moon in Libra, 2011

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; below is some of what Kaye Shinker predicts for the month ahead.
New Moon in Libra, Sept.27, 2011 at 7:09 am EDT, Washington DC
The New Moon appears in the 12th House (refer to chart) Non USA members can set up a New Moon chart for the capital of their country. Textbook 4, page 30 of the Textbook For Financial Astrology, will help with interpretation the New Moon chart. (Note the house position of the New Moon in the chart in the capital of the country.)

Libra New Moon
The focus of the Libra New Moon is on charity and government institutions and both will dominate the news. Commodity prices will continue to be volatile. If you need a vehicle, it is a good time to start shopping.

The weather forecast is balmy for areas east of the Appalachians. West of the Appalachians expect floods and some seismic activity. Be sure to check your emergency supplies.

Super New Moon
The Moon is perigee or at its closest point in its orbit around the Earth. Super Moons often predict natural disasters such as severe weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Richard Nolle created the term "Super New Moon". Click through to his article and explanation of the term.

This Super New Moon will put a great deal of pressure on hospitals and charitable institutions. Pharmaceutical and health care equities will be under pressure to turn a profit. Scandals and fraud will upset the public concerning the management of these institutions.

Long Void of Course Moon September 28

Moon phases (for our subscribers who trade using phases of the Moon)
New moon September 27, 2011 - First quarter, October 3, 2011 - Full moon, October 11, 2011 -
Last quarter, October 19, 2011 - next New moon, October 26, 2011 (Read Randall Ashbourne's article, The Moods of the Moon - Trading the Mood Swings of the Monthly Lunar Cycle)

October 1st-14th, North Node Transits 17° Sagittarius
This is a tricky degree mark for the markets. It warns of an energy and/or banking crisis in the making. European/Americans investing in emerging markets will find currency inflation a huge international trade problem. (Read Global Trend Changes Coming, by Pat Hardy, on the blog.)

October 28, Jupiter trine Pluto at 5° Taurus Capricorn
Jupiter will apply to a trine with Pluto starting with the September 23rd Equinox and ending with the Spring 2012 equinox. Everyone will strive for personal success. Agriculture and Business will find plenty of work and the energy to accomplish the goals they set. Business abroad will remain successful throughout this time period.

The exact aspect marks an up market and the midpoint of an extended period of buyouts, mergers and mega deals.

It is also a warning of bankruptcy among various financial institutions. It is very important to check the debt obligations of equities on your list of possible investments. Folks need to repeat the mantra "Cash is King" when judging investments and managing their own budgets.

The New Moon Chart and Planets through the houses - New Moon in the 12th house

Mercury appears in the 1st House
Mercury here predicts a reevaluation of welfare rules. Charities will be asked to contribute more since the various local governments are unable to provide matching funds. Scandals and fraud concerning the funds managed by charity and government will make headlines. Businesses that provide services to welfare agencies should be alert. Honesty and excellent paperwork are required.

Venus appears in the 1st House
Retail establishments will find shoppers asking for quality merchandise. Folks are concentrating on creating a new style, new colors, and a new look. Women are successful at finding paid employment that supports their goals.

Mars appears in the 10th House
A great deal of energy is directed at finding ways to complete military involvements. Businesses with contracts involved with military procurement will find fewer orders. The military will require fewer troops and thus lower the demand for goods and services contracts.

Jupiter appears in the 8th House
Paper work, insurance and taxes are in abundance. Much of it is required, but everyone is complaining that it is overabundant. Business continues to lose executives and critical employees to retirement or death.

Click this link to find out what Saturn in the 1st, Uranus in the 6th, Neptune in the 5th, and Pluto in the 3rd house have in store for us this lunar month!

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Scorpio, October 26, 2011. Subscribe to our newsletter  if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

October 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of October, 2011.
October 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE
Click image to view full size calendar.

October 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the FTSE, for the month of October, 2011.
October 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE
 Click image to view full size calendar.

October 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of October, 2011
October 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX
Click image to view full size calendar.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Solar Returns

Solar Returns for a Business
Believe it or not you can actually calculate a solar return for a company. It is very difficult to find an accurate incorporation time for older companies or those Incorporated is most states. However Delaware puts a time stamp on the incorporation papers as soon as they arrive in their offices. The time stamped means that the company described in the papers is an official entity at exactly the time stamped. 

Amazon's Solar Return
A Solar Return is calculated for the exact time the Sun returns to the degree, minutes, and seconds on the birthday of the company in this case.
Let's start by looking at Amazon's Solar return and maybe we can determine how the company will progress in the world of business during the year ahead. 

     1st We look at the house where the Sun appears. The fourth house has to do with home or real estate.
     Amazon is looking for new places to locate their warehouses. 
     2nd We look at the house where Jupiter appears. Oh my Jupiter has lots of friends in the third house.
     Since Amazon is in the book, education and communications business, this is a year where Amazon will be very successful with this line of its merchandise. 
     3rd We look for Saturn and where they will have problems. Saturn is in the Eighth house and that means taxes. Amazon is currently engaged in a dispute concerning sales tax collections in California.

That was easy. The current headlines almost wrote the predictions for Amazon's year ahead. 

Now let's take a look at Disney's reincorporation chart. 

     1st The Sun appears in the tenth house which represents the top executives in the company. The executives will work hard and bring honor to the company. Venus is also in the tenth and one might speculate that a female executive will also bring honor to the company. 
     2nd We look at Jupiter and it appears in the seventh house. Their Public Relations department will be very successful promoting new Disney films and products. 
     3rd Saturn in the first house of the Solar Return they will have a lot of work to do keeping the family friendly image that describes the products sold by the company.

I chose companies with a July birthday so you could see that their solar return has already begun to affect their business. As they move through the year they will use the energy of the planets in the various houses of their Solar Return. If you work for a company or own some of their shares, you might construct a solar return and see where they will shine (Sun), work hard (Jupiter), and run into problems (Saturn).
Astrologicalinvesting exclusively offers a small paperback book,  Easy Predictions with Solar Returns. It is designed for personal horoscopes. However if you look through the planets in houses as I did above then think about how would that interpretation apply to a company, you might just be able to anticipate their business in the year ahead. 

An Initial Public Offering predicts price. The Textbooks for Financial Astrology have charts for those dates. Find the Solar Return button on your computer and give it a try.  Maybe Jupiter in the second, fifth, eighth, or eleventh will predict an increased price at the end of the year along with higher dividends.
September 18th at 3:00 pm EDT,  I will lecture online for the NCGR on the topic of Predictions with Solar Returns in the Personal Horoscope.

First NCGR Online Lecture Series
Sept. 17 at 1 pm John Marchesella: Saturn &  the Big Guys
Sept. 17 at 3 pm Joyce Levine: Overcoming Astro/Psycological Obstacles
Sept. 18 at 1 pm Mark Wolz: Secondary Progressions
Sept. 18 at 3 pm Kaye Shinker: Predictions with Solar Returns
Enhance your astrological education at your home on your
$20 per lecture, more than one? Less $

See for registrationYou are invited to sign up at

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


by Marlene Pfeifle  (article as posted on the web site )

Wouldn't it be great if one could say with certainty that when a certain planet transits another planet the stock market will go up, or that the stock you just bought this morning will increase significantly in it's price per share by tomorrow? Why, we'd all be rich! Unfortunately there is always room for more than one interpretation of geocosmic energy and there is always risk involved in the financial markets.

Nothing is quite so simple. However, if we do our homework well and then use astrological principles to help time when we buy and sell stocks, we have the potential to increase our profits and greatly limit our downside risk in the financial market. Potential is the keyword here.

The best way to use astrology for timing the buying and selling of stocks is to follow the principles that Kaye Shinker lays out in her Textbooks for Financial Astrology. Then choose a sound and solid stock in a favorable sector. Textbook 2 explains the astrological research involved in doing that.

Then, most importantly, research how that stock has performed during past transits by comparing the stock price chart to the transits of the IPO chart of the stock.   For researching stocks according to their IPO and incorporation dates, the very best and most reliable source to use is Michael Munkasey's Company Data.  Historical prices are easily downloaded in Excel form from Yahoo Finance to your computer.


Rule #1 for a Financial Astrologer: DO NOT think in terms of "Good" = "Trines and Sextiles" and that "Bad" = "Squares and Oppositions". You may find yourself being surprised at what can move a stock price! The benefic planets still seem to line up as "good" planets in financial astrology, but it is the dynamic energy from 4th harmonic aspects that creates price change and market movement. Trines and sextiles can be just a momentary blip up in the price on a day when the entire market is substantially down.

Aspects used in financial astrology and how they manifest in the market are discussed in great detail in Kaye Shinker's online classes.  Kaye's students have found that class discussion of real time market situations and seeing how aspects work in action help get a better perspective on the planetary energy.
Although there is no cosmic guarantee that a particular aspect will predict either a rising or falling market or stock price, there are a number of geocosmic contacts that often do produce a predictable rise or drop in price!

As a guideline, I urge that when using astrological cookbook interpretations to always first look at the stock's IPO chart and/or chart of incorporation to see how planets are aspected in the horoscope. Generally, I go by the "nothing promised, nothing gained/ or lost" theory proclaimed by astrologers Ivy Goldstein Jacobson and other traditionalists, who have taught that if there is not an aspect in the natal chart between planets then there is "no promise" (no significant - if any at all - impact ) from an applying aspect between the same two planets in any future chart.

I have found if a planet is not aspected strongly in the IPO chart of a stock chances are, when transited, the price movement will not be significant or sustaining in either direction - up or down. Additionally, if a stock is badly aspected by a planet in it's IPO chart then a planet which is considered to bring about a bullish rise may surprise you when it does the very opposite! (And visa versa, if a stock is aspected very well by a planet that is considered to bring about a bearish movement - you may not see a negative effect, in fact, it can be very positive!)

Using a First Trade chart (IPO) you must take into consideration (1) the chart of incorporation, (2) the daily aspects of the moon, and which the phase the Moon is in (New or Full or Quarter Moon phase) and (3) pay attention to the unfolding geocosmic energy from planets. Especially important are which aspects are applying to the First Trade chart as well as the financial sector of the stock at the same time as the stock chart.

In Bill Meridian's book, Planetary Stock Trading - III,   (available in our Amazon Bookshop) he gives a list of Bullish and Bearish planetary combinations by transit that, in my experience,  I've found to be very reliable. The following is a list of transiting planetary contacts that he lists (and a few I have added)  - primarily 4th Harmonic aspects - that have more often than not proved reliably as favorable (or unfavorable) and generally have moved the market and stock prices:

Major aspects from Jupiter to most planets and points. Jupiter is very favorable to all planets and points with the exception of Jupiter aspects to Mars and Saturn which can trigger both favorable and unfavorable price swings. (Remember to look at the IPO chart to see how these planets are connected)

Major aspects between Sun and Venus are generally favorable.

Major aspects from Neptune to the Sun and to Venus. (With Neptune comes times of uncertainty filled with hopes, wishes and dreams - they often coincide with false rumors and illusions. Be sure to take careful note of how Neptune is aspected in the IPO chart!)

Major aspects from Uranus to Venus and to the chart angles are generally favorable. (Note: one must be very certain of the accuracy of chart data if using angles and pay attention to how well Uranus is placed in the chart!)

Major aspects by Saturn to most planets, and points - with the exception of aspects from transiting Saturn to Mercury and Mars which can trigger both favorable and unfavorable price swings.

Major Uranus and Neptune aspects to Pluto.

Major Pluto aspects to an angle or the Lunar nodes. (Again, be certain of the chart!)

A takeover can be favorable or unfavorable to a stock's price per share. Pluto, representing power and control, is often involved by transiting aspect in buyouts and takeovers of corporations. Jupiter-Pluto an aspect representing optimism, expansion, change and a thrust toward power and success is often very favorable.

Eclipses  - An eclipse can have a positive or negative effect that may last as long as two or three months depending upon the planet aspected by the eclipse. Eclipses impact the market and the movement of stock prices by triggering, or turning on, whatever planets they touch within 3 degrees of the applying eclipse aspect. This geocosmic energy can be triggered during the eclipse or later when a transiting planet (particularly Mars) activates the eclipse degree by aspect. The hard aspects, especially the conjunction and square are most notable. Aspects to either Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus or the stock chart angles from an eclipse are all favorable. Generally they will give rise in the price per share of a stock, while eclipses to Saturn and Pluto do the opposite and tend to drive a stock price down. During an eclipse stock prices can be unpredictable and erratic.

An important note about the the transiting Moon! - Always, always, always, pay attention to the daily aspects of the Moon! The Moon will trigger applying geocosmic aspects into play, as well as determine the general mood - minute by minute - hour by hour - of the market each day. Day traders can use the times when the Moon forms an aspect to time intra-day turning points or reversals. On days when the Moon makes many aspects the market often has large volumes of buying and selling, while days when there are not many or no aspects, the market can be slow or filled with uncertainty. Some astrologers prefer not to trade during the Void-of-Course Moon, (as well as during Mercury RX), but I have not been convinced that one necessarily should avoid the market during these times. Also, the phase the Moon is in - New, Full or Quarter Moon phases - is important in timing.

The phases of the Moon - New Moon, Full Moon, and Quarter Moon phases are discussed in Randall Ashbourne's article, Moods of the Moon on this web site.

On our blog we have posted an article written by Randall Ashbourne, titled Using Daily Aspect Calendars to Time Intraday Trades. In this article Mr. Ashbourne gives interpretations of the Moon through the signs and how they affect the market. I find both of these articles quite noteworthy and recommend them for reading.   Highly recommended is Randall's book, "The Idiot & the Moon" available on our web site.

Transiting planets and geocosmic combinations of aspects influence the market in many different ways, and each combination of energy driven by the transits of planets has both positive and negative influences depending upon many different types of circumstances including the influences of the greater cycles of geocosmic energy - cycles of the outer planets - that are unfolding at the same time. Always check your ephemeris and pay particular attention to the trending market and the unfolding cycles.

Happy Trading!

Author's notes: Success in the financial market begins first with the understanding and use of the principles of what has been considered traditional types of market analysis, and then applying geocosmic principles as a final step in one's investment strategy. Kaye Shinker offers a course on Business and Financial Astrology that addresses how to choose stocks and I strongly recommend taking her on-line courses.

Astrology is a precise market timing tool, but it can not sensibly be used as a stand-alone strategy for financial investing. For example, astrology cannot be used to determine market trends like technical analysis, nor can astrology be used as a key to determine whether a particular stock has a sound and solid economic basis like fundamental analysis. My absolute favorite trading book using technical tools with astrology is Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and the Moon. In fact, I wouldn't buy a stock without first checking it using Mr. Ashbourne's "Idiot" method.

Llewellyn's New World Astrology Series, Financial Astrology, edited by Joan McEvers. 1991 Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN.
Planetary Stock Trading - III, Bill Meridian. Cycles Research, New York, N Y, 2002.
Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing, Raymond Merriman. Seek-It Publications, W. Bloomfield, MI, 1995. The Idiot & The Moon, The Compleat & Utter Lunatic Idiot's Guide to Trading Stocks, Randall Ashbourne, e-Book available online and in our Astrology Shop.