Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mercury Direct


Mercury is direct today.  Great news for all folks whose lively hood is dependent on their communications skills. Excellent news for shoppers and purchasing agents. 

About 80% of the time the Dow finishes the three weeks Mercury is retrograde within a few percentage points of where it started.  September 8, 2009 the Dow was about 9500 and today it appears it will finish at 9760 or 2% higher.  Kind of a fun statistic that did not apply during the September 2008 Mercury retrograde. However 80% is about the highest astrological correlation to the markets that we have.  

Thank goodness the next Mercury retrograde is after the Holidays December 26, 2009-January 15, 2010.  However, Mars retrograde starts December 20 so if your gift is any vehicle with wheels for your friends and family try to purchase it before the Mars station December 20th.
Details concerning the Do's and Don'ts of Mercury and Mars retrogrades as well as their effect on the markets are available in Lessons 1, 2, and 3 in The Textbook for Financial Astrology Book 1 

Saturday, September 19, 2009


                                                  Is another shoe about to drop? 
Folks are feeling nervous.
Could the economy roll over again? Everything seems to be in reverse. For all the talk about transparency something seems set to ambush the economy. 
Certain stuff costs more even in the big box stores.
Treasury Bonds?
A low yield could discourage domestic and foreign buyers. 
Commercial Real Estate?
Property values diminish when commercial real estate can't find tenants. 

Where do financial astrologers look for the answer?  

The symbol for the North Node looks something like the horseshoe on the left. 
The symbol for the South Node looks something like the horseshoe on the right.  

The Sign of the Transiting Nodes gives a Clue.

The sign for the current transiting nodes is where the next eclipses will fall.  2010 has the The North Node in Capricorn and the eclipse will be January 15th at 25 degrees Capricorn. The South Node in Cancer indicates that on July 11th there will be an eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer.

An Eclipse Changes Circumstance and Point of  View.

The Cancer and Capricorn Nodes have a tendency to reduce the price of real estate, your house, your office and your shopping center.  For various reasons these investments become unattractive.  In the early 70's it was stagflation and in the early '80's it was high interest rates. In the '90's it was over supply of commercial real estate and the in the 2000's the supply of houses. This time it appears office space is not required for new business, foreclosures threaten shopping centers as retail goes online, and owners of condominiums succumb to inflating assessments.

The July 22, 2009 eclipse at 29 Cancer was very close to USA Mercury, the Federal Reserve Neptune and the Dow Venus. The January 2010 eclipse will be very close to the USA Pluto and Venus in the chart for Gold. Charts available in The Textbook for Financial Astrology.

July 22, 2009 Eclipse
An eclipse to the USA 8th house Mercury means that we have to rethink taxes and insurance. Higher taxes means lower revenues for the IRS. Increase the numbers paying for health insurance and lower the cost of premiums.  Everyone has a point of view and the argument will continue for several years. 
An eclipse to the Federal Reserve 1st house Neptune makes its interest rates the focus of attention and the need to earn money by raising them.  It needs to find creative imaginative ways to generate income and raise the value of the currency it creates.
An eclipse to the Dow Venus means that the guardian angel for the Index is on vacation and although she left after fortifying the stocks in the Dow, if they misbehave she is not around to scold them and get the stocks back on their proper price track. Volatile prices reign.

January 15, 2010 Eclipse
An eclipse to the USA's 2nd house Pluto means that the old ways to earn money no longer exist and folks need to divest themselves of their material possessions and find new ways to earn money. (Forewarned)
An eclipse to the Venus of Gold means that the guardian angel for gold is on vacation and although she left with the price at its best possible level she can not guard it from volatile price swings.

Eclipses Create Volatility and Uncertainty.
When you are checking all the possible stocks to add to your portfolio it is a good idea to look at the sign of the nodes in the Incorporation and IPO chart of the company.  Then check the sign for the current transiting nodes.  Will they come close to any planets in either chart?  If so it is a good idea to go onto the next company in your idea box. 

An eclipse falling in your personal horoscope has a specific meaning. Check my articleEconomic Implications of the Eclipse in Your Personal Chart .

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fiscal Cents - Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign

Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign For the Lunar Month Beginning September 18, 2009 - Your Astrological Horoscope and Financial Outlook
by Kaye Shinker
Here is the prediction for this month for Libra:
Venus, your ruler, is treating you to some time to clean up your paper work and make a new schedule for paying bills. Your goal is to divest yourself of dust collectors hanging around your house. Do your financial homework. You might find a new way to invest your cash.

Libra, we suggest that you also read your Ascendant (your Rising sign), as well as your Sun sign on our web site - to read your sun sign's forecast on our web site go to: www.astrologicalinvesting.com/html/Fiscalcents.html.

Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and successes for you during the month ahead. (We suggest that you also read your Ascendant, or Rising sign, as well as your Sun sign.)

If you would like to receive your financial outlook before the next New Moon, please subscribe to our newsletter

The New Moon in Virgo

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at www.astrologicalinvesting.com/html/newsletter.html
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:

The Virgo New Moon will occur September 18, 2009 at 2:43 p.m. EDT Washington DC.
(For readers outside the US, please set the New Moon chart for the capital of your country and note the house position of the New Moon )
For Washington DC, the New Moon appears in the Ninth house - New Moon in the Ninth house suggests complicated discussions with various world trade organizations concerning imports and exports of transportation vehicles, especially those using alternative fuels.

Everyone hopes for an agreement that will benefit their bottom line but the conversations are hopelessly mired by misunderstandings and probably very funny mistranslations.

By October 1st there will be a few agreements with really weird caveats. (Note: Read The Fall Equinox A number of astrological events after the Equinox will influence the markets. In this article Kaye Shinker gives her predictions for the upcoming three months ahead.)

Saturn conjunct the New Moon and Mercury Retrograde applying to the conjunction - International trade is in the News. The majority of the discussions center around commodities. It is rare for the commodities markets to get this much attention, but the Ninth house discusses foreign trade and occupied by the New Moon with Saturn conjunct the focus of traders attention is squarely on the commodities and raw materials.

Jupiter in the Second House - Jupiter here suggests an improvement in wages earned. The savings rate will increase as a result. After September 30 folks will find themselves shopping exclusively for bargains. There is a whisper of a chance that Congress will learn from experience and lower taxes. Banks with high credit card exposure continue to suffer.

Neptune in the Second House - Fraud and dishonesty continue to make financial news headlines. Schemes to defraud individuals and businesses are everywhere. There is no free lunch and if it looks too good to be true, it is. Credit card scams continue to be exposed. Expect interest rates to remain low, however keep your earned income in a savings account.

Uranus in the Third House - Weird accidents make headlines. Cash for Clunkers will have some very outrageous stories raising doubt as to the real success of the program. Folks will review their need for various types of vehicles, and find some interesting alternative transportation. Message delivery folks will continue to find competition. The internet is cutting into their profits. Remember how quickly personal computers moved into homes worldwide? Homemade electricity promises to do the same.

Mars in the Seventh House - Often the solution to economic challenges becomes international disputes, disagreements, and danger of war. There is also a danger of geological disturbances especially around the Equinox, September 22nd. Storage facilities for inflammable materials are at risk and wild fires will plague vulnerable areas. All of the above suggests the need for heavy duty machinery as well as first aid equipment.

Venus in the Eighth House - Folks are very concerned over the collection of taxes and the amount of their various insurance premiums. The population feels a certain amount of control over these costs. They are protesting every cost increase. Some are protesting taxes while others are trying to determine the best way to convince insurance companies to bring down premiums. There will be a great deal of discussion concerning inheritance taxes and small business.

Saturn in the Ninth House - Pirates give shippers problems. Shippers, in general, will continue to have problems unloading their cargo. Airlines are forced to continue cost cutting. Lawyers, religious leaders, and legislators are threatened with job losses. Efficiency is the problem.

Mercury in the Ninth House - Legal issues abound and most will be settled in October. Collecting tariffs and exchanging currency are the issues. Confusing paperwork will add to the problems of merchandise stacking up on the shipper's docks. Forgery and Fraud make the headlines and feed the media plenty of interesting gossip.

Pluto in the Twelfth House - Prominent officials and leaders of public institutions are disgraced and accused of dishonest stewardship. Detectives and police are working double shifts and prosecutors are gathering evidence day and night. Rumors of concentration camps are verified.

Kaye Shinker
Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at www.astrologicalinvesting.com/html/newsletter.html

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be a New Moon in Libra, October 18, 2009. Subscribe to our newsletter if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

October 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
NYSE, for the month of October, 2009.October 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Click image to view full size calendar.

October 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
FTSE, for the month of October, 2009.
October 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London's FTSE

Click image to view full size calendar.

October 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX

Astrological calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
ASX, for the month of October, 2009.October 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX

Click image to view full size calendar.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Birth Chart for the USA Dollar

Ben Franklin's picture on the $100 dollar bill
Pluto and the USA 4th of July Chart
Let's start with my favorite dollar the one with Ben Franklin's picture. He is so handsome.

There was a rumor around the ISAR conference in Chicago that the 100 dollar bill might give us a clue to the exact time of day when the Declaration was signed.

On the reverse side is a picture of Constitution Hall in Philadelphia. It takes good magnifying glass to see the time the engraver used on the clock. Unfortunately the hour and the minute hand are the same length. Magnified the clock could say 2:20, 4:10 or maybe even 5:10. Another tactic, let's look at the tree shadows on the engraving. Not much help. Oh dear, a closer look reveals snow on the roof. Must not be an exact rendering of Independence Hall on the 4th of July.

The time on the Sibley USA 4th of July chart is 5:10 pm which is the time I use to discuss the various mundane trends in the United States. Transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct the ascendant of that chart on 9/11/01. I believe Pluto is absolutely excellent at timing a rectification. The chart has Pluto in the second house of earned income and therefore the dollar.

Pluto and the USA Dollar chart
According an article from USA Today numismatic historical records traced the first actual dollar coin produced to Oct.15, 1794. Rumor is that the engraver took his commission right away and spent it at the local grocery store. Transiting Pluto hasn't given us an exact time, yet. We will use 9:00 a.m. but first we must check the date.

Is it an accurate chart?

Using the chart and the banking panic September 15, 2008 characterized by the fall of Lehman Brothers, transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct Jupiter of the first dollar chart which is 28 degrees Sagittarius. When Pluto was conjunct the Moon of this chart we had the Great Depression. When he transited back and forth across the dollar's Libra Sun, we had the hyper inflation of the late 1970's.

What's Happening Now to the USA Dollar?

Transiting Neptune is conjunct the Pluto of the dollar's chart, and remember Neptune is also conjunct the Moon of the USA chart. According the the research of Grace Morris Neptune is the planet representing interest rates, and they mirror the rate of inflation. Usually rampant inflation occurs when Neptune transits a fire sign. The Dollar has both money planets Venus and Jupiter in the fire sign Sagittarius. Neptune transits during the 1970's were rather difficult for the value of the dollar.

OK, Neptune is in Aquarius, an air sign, how can we have inflation? Easy Transiting Neptune and his expansive buddy transiting Jupiter are making a conjunction to the Pluto of the dollar. (Jupiter rules the fire sign Sagittarius) They move right along to make a conjunction with the USA Moon. Jupiter moves ahead to Pisces in January 2010. And Neptune is left behind to continue moving back and forth over the last few degrees of Aquarius. Neptune has every intention of confusing the power of the dollar and creating confusion for the USA public until 2012 when Neptune moves into his favorite sign Pisces.

What's an Investor To Do?
Buy The Textbook for Financial Astrology Book 4 where you will find charts for various commodities, the Dollar, the Euro, silver and gold.

Then find the best time to buy gold, silver, and basic metals. Equities and undeveloped land can also be a hedge against inflation.