Thursday, January 30, 2014

An Astrological Trip Around the New Moon in Aquarius

Astrological Investing New Moon forecasts show general trends and financial outlook for the month. The New Moon in Aquarius, 2014 - Chart from the point of view of Wall Street and the NYSE.
The New Moon in Aquarius is the second new Moon in January. In a month with two new Moons, the second one is referred to as a "Black Moon". (The second full Moon in a month is referred to as a "Blue Moon".)

Because this new Moon is so close to the earth, it is also known as a Super Moon - a term astrologer Richard Nolle coined in a 1979 article for HOROSCOPE magazine. Super Moons can be either new Moons or full Moons. (Read more at )

An Astrological Trip Around the New Moon in Aquarius Chart

At the New Moon we come to the end of the proverbial tunnel - a promise of light is in the not too far off distance.

The new Moon creates an aura of hope and optimism, and this mood is commonly reflected in the market. Randall Ashbourne's article, The Moods of the Moon - Trading the Mood Swings of the Monthly Lunar Cycle, sets out to prove to us that we can take advantage of this phenomenon; and he goes on to discuss it in both his eBooks, The Idiot and The Moon and The Idiot and The Moon, FORECAST 2014.

The Sun rules the Leo rising New Moon chart, and the New Moon (Sun/ Moon)in Aquarius is located in the Seventh house. The New Moon always brings the matters of the house it resides in to the forefront. Seventh house issues will be illuminated by the Sun. This is a harmonious position which promotes good will at home and abroad. It is good for mergers, public relations and business partnerships.

The new Moon sextile Uranus is very fortunate. This aspect suggests a surprising opportunity may arise to help resolve issues created by the agitated energy of the T-Square between Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto-Venus.

To read the newsletter in its entirety Click to read newsletter

When reading the newsletter on the web site, be sure to take note of the Moon Phases section and get the "Head's Up" - upcoming astrological events list.

Understanding the potential of planetary cycles and what the technical charts tell us is our best bet for successful trading. We need to see the whole picture!
I have been reminding readers at the end of each New Moon interpretation that strives to teach financial astrology as a timing tool to use. Although the mundane reading I give each New Moon gives us a broad picture of the astrological landscape we expect to encounter during the month, I encourage all of you to look at the weekly technical charts by Randall Ashbourne.

Safe Trading! Marley
FORECAST 2014, an eBook by Randall Ashbourne -
If you have been following the blog, or reading the Eye of Ra at,, you already know by now that Randall makes what can be a very dry and difficult subject - Financial Astrology - easy to understand, quite interesting, and sometimes amusing! With his witty and wry sense of humor, Randall never holds back, giving us his experienced professional opinion on how the markets are performing.

His latest eBook The Idiot & The Moon, Forecast 2014 has predictions, price targets and trend change dates - it is the perfect companion to his book, The Idiot & The Moon, Compleat and Utter Idiot's Guide To Trading Stocks.

The Idiot and The Moon, FORECAST 2014 by Randall Ashbourne

NOTE: Planetary price targets for gold are contained in Forecast 2014 - as are the targets for the major stock indices.

Randall is working on a special report on gold which will include the exact timing of gold's most important transits for the year ahead. This report won't be published in his free weekend reports, but will be emailed to everyone who has bought a copy of Forecast 2014.

  • 2014 ... and let slip the dogs of war
  • Jupiter Square Uranus ... and the danger of déjà vu
  • Mars ... the mover of markets
  • Bradley Model - 2014 major and minor trend change dates
  • Moods of the Moon - Lunar phase trading performance in 2013
  • Month by Month - monthly astrological transits in time map form
  • Technical conditions and planetary price targets

13 months of Astrological Investing Calendars! - The monthly transit calendars published on the blog are available to purchase as a full 2014 calendar through January 31, 2015 - for New York, London and Sydney. Download these handy PDF calendars to your iPad, or other electronic reader and/or and phone, and of course, to your computer to read. (They are printable as well.)

Included are transit to transit aspects; dates of Moon Phases, Planets Stationing (changing directions) and Eclipses; and a schedule of open hours and days for each market, New York, London, and Australia.

These calendars can be purchased individually for $8.00, but all three are available for $16.00 Click to purchase.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Retrogrades will cause confusion

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site, The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning January 27, 2014
Predicting the intermediate future of markets is likely to be challenging for the first few months of 2014.

Venus, Mercury and Mars have a series of Retrogrades which will have traders, policy makers and politicians constantly changing direction.

We can all go nuts trying to work out what's happening. Or simply follow The Idiot.

A few weeks ago, all of the "experts" were certain 2014 was set to be another bumper year for stock markets. In the past few days, they've started to become a lot more uncertain.

After Friday's ugly slump, some are now worried it's the start of The Big One. Ho hum. It is, of course, possible; just not probable.

Venus goes back into Direct motion again next Friday, on the same day Jupiter opposes Pluto. The following week, Mercury will go Retrograde. And when it goes Direct, Mars will (appear to) go backwards.

The probability is that there will be a series of sharp moves and reversals throughout the first few months of the year.

Traders will need to stay nimble and not get married to any particular notion of what the markets "should" be doing.

Last weekend we took a broad look at the potential for a big turnaround in gold this year, examining the technical condition of the XAU, the Philadelphia gold and silver index, and three of the world's biggest gold miners. Their condition has only improved since.

Those of you who already have Forecast 2014 will realise that the price of gold itself hit a key Pluto target during Friday's trading ... and will also know all the other price levels likely to be of major importance throughout the year.

And the Forecast also contains the important planetary price levels for most of the world's leading stock indices.

I stress again that we cannot yet be certain that gold has made its final price Low. As I said last weekend, what we have is "a bounce from the obvious" and that bounces from the "obvious" - in gold's case, an apparent double-bottom - are sometimes relatively short-lived.

It is also "obvious" from the weekly chart below, that gold has a lot of work to do yet before we can be sure the correction from the 2011 peak is finished and that the metal is launching into a new Bull phase.

Gold made its double-bottom low on December 31 ... a second price Low that arrived with very significant positive divergence in our Big Bird oscillator, indicating strong potential for an intermediate-term bounceback.

While price on Friday ran into Pluto price resistance, it seems still to have more room to move higher before it starts running into the technical barriers.

The technical conditions in the gold weekly chart are pretty much the reverse of the SP500's chart. The build-up of negative divergence in Pollyanna's Big Bird was a long one.

As price climbed a channel, Big Bird made its last decent peak way back in May, 2013. In short, it's a build-up of divergence that won't be undone by a few days of price drops. However ugly.

But just as gold has a lot of work to do to overcome its technical barriers to launch into a new Bull phase, Miss Polly has lots of support levels which have to fail before we can declare a Bear.

So, let's not get caught-up in the talkfest. It certainly appears as if stocks have been too overbought for too long and may be entering a correction which is long overdue.

And gold and gold stocks are bouncing strongly, having become much too oversold. Nevertheless, the attempts to manipulate gold continue and danger remains in becoming too Bullish too soon.

According to reports this weekend, the US Federal Reserve managed to repatriate only 5 tonnes of Germany's gold last year. This from the hundreds of tonnes the Bundesbank is supposed to have stored in New York and at Fort Knox ... and which the Germans demanded last year be shifted out of those facilities and back to Germany.

So far, everyone is remarkably silent about exactly why it'll take 7 years to give Germany back what it owns. The Bundesbank makes a few polite noises about "logistical" problems. *Gag*Cough*Splutter*Guffaw*

I don't wish to be uncharitable or provocative, but history is history. And the Germans have a certain talent for being able to organise the mass movement of ... things. I am, of course, talking about Mercedes and BMWs and Miele machines. What did you think I was talking about?!

Anyway, I think we can all agree that if the Germans really wanted to shift several hundred tonnes of anything, they'd be able to do it with their usual precision and efficiency.

Just how long the world will swallow this story about the Bundesbank being unable to organise a few trucks, planes and a ship or two remains to be seen.

And that, perhaps, is the biggest danger. Because if it actually gets proved that the US Federal Reserve stole and sold the gold reserves in Fort Knox and New York, believing they could manipulate paper markets to buy it back cheaper, we are going to see a world financial crisis unlike anything ever seen before.

And speaking of track records ... the US Federal Reserve has no history of theft, bubble creation and causing massive worldwide financial meltdowns. Gag*Cough*Splutter*Guffaw*

But, but ... none of this concerns us. We are mere minnows in a pool of predators. So, we do need to be aware that the boys with the biggest bank account would appear to have a need to get their hands on a LOT of physical gold at the cheapest price they can get it. And that means there are likely to be more sudden billion-dollar raids on the gold price.

And it also means they didn't spend this amount of money - $85 billion a month - driving up the stock markets month-after-month to unload all their overpriced crud onto the gullible in one bad Friday on Wall Street. It's most unlikely they've dumped everything they need to dump yet.

On another topic, I receive fairly regular requests from readers to "link" on social media sites, which then want me to join and create a profile. It's not something I have the time for, or any inclination to do.

Safe trading - RA

(scroll down to view previous editions of The Eye of Ra)

Randall Ashbourne
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jupiter in Leo ... gold and gambling

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site, The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning January 20, 2013
For the moment, from an Earthly perspective, the head honcho of the Old Gods - Jupiter - is still heading backwards in the sign of Cancer.

Early in March, the FatBoy will change direction ... putting him on a run towards a year-long journey through the Fire sign, Leo.

Leo is the sign which rules gold and gambling ... and Jupiter almost invariably has a very strong impact on the sectors ruled by the sign through which he's travelling.

And, simply, the impact is that he either exaggerates the supply OR the demand.

Since it's unlikely that Newmont is about to discover a billion tonnes of gold in a low-cost, high-grade deposit 50 metres from a railway line, next to a port, in a politically-stable country, we can probably assume that the demand for gold will spike in the next year or so.

That's an astrological expectation. And our rule-of-thumb is that they NEVER over-ride technical conditions.

So, we'll spend a little time this edition looking at a few long-range charts of the biggest gold miners ... most of which have been whacked hard since hitting record peaks late in 2011.

Short story: They're starting to look like a damn fine Buy.

BUT! The charts are indicating the need for caution, since the final Low in gold - and some gold miners - might not yet be locked into place.

If we look at Big Bird's performance while the price of the XAU was grinding out a multi-year bottom in the late 1990s, we can see the slow build-up of positive divergence. Simply, Big Bird started to make higher troughs while price continued to make lower ones.

For the moment what we have is long-range negative divergence, but short-range positive divergence. So we can't be certain this bounce will last more than a few weeks.

Goldcorp is showing a very similar pattern. If anything, the warning signal is even stronger. While the price bottom has come in at a higher level than late 2008, Big Bird has dropped a lot lower. A LOT lower.

That negative divergence is marked with the thick red trendlines. However, we can see the situation starting to improve with the opposite condition in recent-term, thin blue trendlines.

The Newmont chart is next and it is actually looking a tad stronger than the XAU chart. With Newmont, the bounce is also from the obvious, but it is a lower closing price trough ... with a distinctly higher trough occurring in the oscillator.

Simply, NEM is indicating that it may well be one of the first gold miners to recover - and probably strongly.

Barrick is our next contender and the one that got whacked the hardest. Its share price plunged well below the 2008 trough and just as low as it did while grinding out that multi-year bottom going into the turn of the century.

Two schools of thought ... There's something seriously wrong with the company's cost/profit structure or it has been ridiculously over-sold by an over-emotive market.

Barrick's Big Bird is showing distinct signs of climbing back from the grave into a happier position on his perch, with a preliminary cross of his signal line.

Overall, we can sense that conditions in the gold and silver markets are starting to improve on the technical level. We have no screaming Buy signals it would be foolish to ignore. That would require all four charts to be showing very marked positive divergence between Big Bird and the price level.

So technically, we can't yet rule out another price plunge. But we are now much closer to putting in a strong, multi-year Low. Jupiter's travels give us an indication of when we might "expect" a change in the astrological weather. For the safety of our capital base, we need to see strong technical confirmation.

Since Leo also rules gambling, you might want to check the technical condition of stocks in that sector ... casinos, poker machines manufacturers etc.

The planetary price targets for gold are contained in Forecast 2014 - as are the targets for the major stock indices. At some stage in the next 8 weeks or so, I'll compile a special report on gold which includes the exact timing of its most important transits for the year ahead. I'll email it to everyone who has bought a copy of Forecast 2014. But, it won't be published in the free weekend reports.

Warm regards, best wishes and ... Safe trading - RA

(scroll down to view previous editionsof The Eye of Ra)

Randall Ashbourne
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Wall Street's rally: no sign of The Top yet

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site, The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning January 13, 2013

The stock market leaders - the Dow, the 500, the Nasdaq and the DAX - all hit their highs on December 31 or January 2.

That was the exact timeframe of the first major Bradley trend change date for 2014.

Prices have been in corrective mode since, but so far there is nothing scary in either the price action or the state of the oscillators.

The coming week is relatively quiet in terms of astrological aspects. Midweek, we get the Full Moon and a Venus square to Mars.

Neither of those normally has enough oomph to produce a major change in the trend.

Gold ended the week making another attempt to break the overhead barrier of a secondary Pluto line, priced around the 1248 level. Those charts are in Forecast 2014. 

The daily Big Bird oscillator has spiked higher, indicating an above-average chance that price will continue its northbound run.

There is another secondary Pluto price line at 1272, but the target for this run is probably higher still - into the 1300s.

The Idiot has now gone to a gold Buy signal on both daily and weekly timeframes. 

Gold bouncing strongly higher while stock prices basically flatline is a somewhat contradictory message, leaving one or the other vulnerable to a sharp drop.

However, for the moment, there are few signs of an imminent plunge in stocks.

The monthly Bi-BB chart of the SP500 is our first chart this weekend. For almost a year price has continually made a touch of the upper band, with breaks above it tending to produce the expected stalling.

And that may be what we have again. Price ended last week exactly where it started the year. The fast MACD endorses the validity of the long-running rally by recording its own new peak in line with the price. The MACD histogram is wavering, but not screeching.

A weekly version of the same technique does indicate the rally is starting to weaken internally. Note there is now a reasonably significant level of negative divergence between the higher prices over the past 3 weeks and the slump in the current state of both the MACD signal line peak and the histograms.

It's not so strong that it rules out an attempt at new highs on Wall Street; simply a warning that the danger of a rollover is growing.

Warm regards, best wishes and ... Safe trading - RA

Randall Ashbourne
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2013

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year - and the Forecast is ...

Randall Ashbourne, an associate of Astrological Investing, posts a weekly market report on his web site, The following is this weekend's Eye of RA report: Week beginning January , 2013
 Welcome back! We start 2014 with historic levels of unabashed optimism ... in some markets.
Reportedly, the level of margin debt on NYSE stocks is back where it was in 1999/2000.

And the year starts with a major trend change date predicted by the Bradley Model. 

Wall Street launched a strong, year-long rally throughout 2013, apparently repeating the Saturn in Scorpio tendency I outlined in Forecast 2013.

Forecast 2014 is now available for sale and download.

It follows a similar format to last year's, though I have replaced the monthly list of aspects with a Time Map so traders can see at a glance the high-energy days each month likely to spark a reaction in the markets.

There's also an index-by-index guide to how lunar phase trading actually worked out in individual markets last year, confirming where and when the system can be used safely ... and where it should NOT be used! 

 As usual, there's a comprehensive section on the technical condition of the major indices, from a long-range point of view, as well as planetary price charts showing the likely upside and downside targets for stock indices over the course of 2014.

And we pay special attention to the gold price, with a whole series of both technical and planetary charts showing exactly what to watch for and the key price levels likely to be very important to traders in the metal for the year ahead.

The gold section was completed on the last day of trading for 2013 - and we're already seeing a bounce from a major junction of two planetary factors. In fact, gold continues to travel rather precisely to the planetary lines I revealed for the first time in last year's Forecast.

However, we also take a very close look at the technical conditions and what needs to be achieved before the metal can be considered a safe and reliable trade, as opposed to a mere speculative play in the short-term.

The price of the Forecast this year is $24. That's Australian dollars ... and since the Aussie has slipped strongly over the course of the year, that currently translates to about 22 greenbacks!

You should have little trouble getting a lot more than the purchase price back with a single trade on the stock or gold indices or ETFs.

As an example of what to expect, I'll tempt you with just one of the charts from the Forecast ... how the FTSE performed during The Moods of The Moon during 2013.

The table shows the performance of the FTSE from the first New Moon of December 2012 into the New Moon of December 2013. The index itself rose 10.17% during those dates.

Going Long for the two weeks between Full Moon and New Moon each month produced an overall profit of 10.43%, despite three periods of rather substantial losses.

And as a "system", the overall profit on the FTSE Loonytoons trades produced a 10.7% gain, outperforming the index. Used in conjunction with some relatively simple technical rules, The Moods of The Moon system continues to provide very strong profits while reducing the risk of being in the market during lunar phases which are statistically negative over longer timeframes.

However, there are some indices where the lunar phase trading system will not work - confirming the warnings I issued in Forecast 2013 about those indices.

Okay, well this first edition of The Eye for 2014 is a shameless plug to sell Forecast 2014. It contains a lot of information and charts you're not going to see anywhere else and which I think will help guide you through the year ahead, regardless of whether the rally has yet to enter its final blow-off or backs away from the run it made over the course of the last year.

In the weeks ahead, we'll slowly return to the usual format for these free weekend reports.

Warm regards, best wishes and ... Safe trading - RA

Randall Ashbourne
Astrological Investing's associate, Randall Ashbourne, author of the eBook, The Idiot and The Moon, and The Idiot and the Moon, Forecast 2014, writes a free weekly column titled, The Eye of Ra on his web site in  which he explains the potential impact of astrological aspects and the current state of technical conditions. Ashbourne's charts are revealing illustrations of exactly what has occurred in the market and the probability of what to expect.
Important reading:  Randall Ashbourne's The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014
(Disclaimer: This article is not advice or a recommendation to trade stocks; it is merely educational material.)
Copyright: Randall Ashbourne - 2011-2013

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Idiot & The Moon, Forecast 2014

The Idiot & The Moon, Forecast 2014, by Randall Ashbourne

Randall Ashbourne's goal for all traders is to increase profitability while protecting capital  - and again he goes out of his way to help us all do exactly that in his eBook, Forecast 2014.

If you have been following the weekend Eye of Ra reports you already know by now that Randall makes what can be a very dry and difficult subject - Financial Astrology - easy to understand, quite interesting, and sometimes amusing!

With a witty and wry sense of humor, Randall never holds back, giving us his experienced professional opinion on how the markets are performing.
Regardless where the planets are, or what the planets are "doing", we have a step-by-step, page by page, directory of what we need to know in order to make money each month. 

I've described his book, The Idiot and The Moon as absolutely brilliant, and his latest book, The Idiot and The Moon, Forecast 2014 is the perfect companion for using The Idiot trading technique.
In Forecast 2014, you will learn
  • The broad astrological themes in play for the year ahead
  • Key dates in order to identify short-term trend changes
  • How the Bradley Model performed during 2013, and the major and minor turn dates for 2014
  • How Moon Trading performed for various international indices during 2013, and the dates for lunar phase trading in 2014
  • How The Idiot...the central character of The Idiot and The Moon has performed in the past.

"It's never too late to realise The Idiot may be the best stock advisor we'll ever meet." R. Ashbourne
Forecast 2014 chapters include
  • 2014 ... and let slip the dogs of war
  • Jupiter Square Uranus ... and the danger of déjà vu
  • Mars ... the mover of markets
  • The Bradley Model - major and minor trend change dates for 2014
  • The Moods of the Moon - Lunar phase trading performance during 2013
  • Month by Month - monthly astrological transits in time map form
  • Technical conditions and planetary price targets
Randall's analysis is simple, yet succinct - helping us understand complicated analysis while describing a very colorful world of markets where "Old Gods Rule". 
Click to Purchase Randall Ashbourne's eBook, The Idiot &; The Moon, FORECAST 2014- This e-Book is password protected. It can be printed and also read on your computer or an electronic reading device that is capable of reading password protected PDF files.

A note to our members at  Randall's World At large reports from years past are still in our archives; if you care to check them out you will be impressed with how his style of writing makes difficult and dry subjects easy to understand and fun to read.  I am thrilled to have Randall as my associate.
Marlene Pfeifle , CAP, NCGR I
Click to Purchase Randall Ashbourne's eBook, The Idiot and The Moon - This e-Book is password and print protected. It is published in the popular PDF format, and you can download it for reading on your computer. You will be able to highlight key sections or add "sticky notes". You can also copy the file into your iTunes library, which will allow reading on your iPad or similar device.