Sunday, May 24, 2009

Here is what Kaye Shinker predicts for Gemini this month (posted in her monthly column, Fiscal Cents at

Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign For the Lunar Month Beginning May 24, 2009 Happy Solar Return to everyone born under the sign of Gemini!

Advice not just for Geminis! As we say in Louisiana, "Laissez les bonne temps roule." ("Let the Good Times Roll" ) ... Well, wait for May 31! My suggestion is to find friends and family and have fun. Bring your digital camera and some balloons and live life to the fullest.

Yes, the consumer strike is still on. Thrift can be challenging and fun.

May 30 Mercury Moves Direct.

During Mercury RX the best way to spend your time is to repair stuff, recycle stuff and reduce your stuff. It is also a good time to declare recess, and rejuvenate in another region of the country. When shopping, if it costs more than $15, you shouldn't buy it, but if you do save the receipt. If your birthday falls during a Mercury retrograde expect to spend the year ahead doing everything twice.

This Month For Gemini

Jupiter trines your Sun Sign all of 2009 giving you the energy to achieve each goal. Continue to keep a close eye on your cash and credit cards. Continue to be aware of computer viruses and watch out for scams.

New shoes are a good idea.

Treat any “ouchies” immediately. Listen to yourself and follow your hunches. You will discover secrets that need to be revealed. Good stories sneak into your life. Share.

Geminis born from May 20-30 will have Mercury retrograde in your Solar Return, therefore expect to do everything twice during the year ahead.

On the web site you will find two articles: Money in Your Chart; and Jupiter and the Money In Your Chart, Part II of Money in Your Chart be sure to read them.

Read YOUR Financial Sun Sign report at Fiscal Cents on the web site - Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and success that you will find during the month ahead.
We suggest that you also read your Ascendant, ( Rising sign) as well as your Sun sign.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

June 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY, NY

Astrological Calendar June, 2009, NY, NY

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
NYSE, for the month of June, 2009.
Click image to view full size calendar.

June 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England

Astrological Calendar June 2009, London, England
Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
FTSE, for the month of June, 2009.
Click image to view full size calendar.

June 2009 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia

astrological calendar June 2009, Sydney Australia
Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
ASX, for the month of June, 2009.
Click image to view full size calendars.

New Moon Forecast and Fiscals Cents for the New Moon in Gemini

The New Moon in Gemini and Fiscal Cents Predictions for the New Moon in Gemini have been updated on our web site at Astrological

The Gemini New Moon appears May 24, 2009 at 8:11 AM EDT Washington D.C. This New Moon will be dominated by Mercury Rx.

Read the New Moon report at
The New Moon Forecast contains predictions and monthly information on the current financial and economic outlook.

Just a note: In her report, Kaye continues the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears saying, " Goldilocks called Marley! and asked her if she could go to Spain to pick up Ferdinand and bring him to the home of the Three Bears on Wall Street...

Marley warned Goldilocks that the Bull probably won't be ready to return to Wall Street until 2010.

Goldilocks thinks the Bears plan to go on a vacation but Mama Bear has promised to come back in September. (Saturn opposed Uranus)"

Marley actually is leaving to vacation in Spain and Portugal - Packing during Mercury Retrograde was a challenge.

See ya'll with more posts when I get back!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Are the Stars Aligned for Health Care?

President Obama says, "The stars are aligned for Health Care."

"What?" I said to myself. "Which astrologer is he using?

No, sorry Mr. President Mercury is retrograde. If communications can get garbled then they will with Mercury rx. Legislation such as TARP passed within the boundaries of Mercury rx and the administration has changed the rules at least a dozen times. Mercury rx makes a mess.

But let's look at Pisces and Virgo and Chiron all have something to do with Health Care. Are there any stars ready to take on the task of health?

Pisces rules hospitals and the planet currently transiting this sign is Uranus. Uranus loves to usurp the current paradigm. He likes to turn everything inside out upside down and backwards. OK I'm not sure I want to go to a hospital that has been turned upside down. Add government employees to the mix and I'm sure I prefer to stay home.

Virgo is the sign that rules uniformed servants such as nurses, doctors and security services. Saturn is transiting this sign suggesting that these folks have plenty to complain about. Low wages, overwork, and difficult working conditions. Not sure these folks will listen to my complaints when their complaints are far more life threatening.

Chiron is the wounded healer. He is transiting Aquarius. He is a great teacher but right now his interests are focused on gadgets that plug into the wall. He wants to put cool machines all over the hospitals and attach leashes to the personnel.

My opinion: if the President thinks the stars are aligned to pass health care legislation, then his astrologer lives in a different solar system.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kaye Speaking in Florida

Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:30 AM
Ft. Laud Airport Hilton
1870 Griffin Road Ft. Lauderdale
Dania FL 33004
How Much
Price: $50.00 pp
Follow the link to check out this Meetup Group

Meetup Description
Highly knowledgeable, and ready to SHARE HER WISDOM. We're excited about this great topic! NOTE: Varied price structure. Price shown above includes lecture, workshop, lunch AND parking!

Solar Return Lecture
The Solar Return is a fun chart to check out your year ahead. The transiting planets in the Solar Return houses tell you about the type of events between your birthdays that you will tell your friends and neighbors. For example planets in the Solar Return 9th will tell you about graduations, travel, or grandchildren.
The first part of the lecture will be an overview of how to read the solar return chart as well as an understanding of the timing. The second part we will work on the practical application of these ideas using the charts members bring to the lecture.
About 20 years ago the Chicago NCGR started a study group to study solar returns. We used the charts of twins, folks who moved during their birthday year, and of course our own. We researched various theories about solar returns. I've even researched the solar return and its application to financial charts. We reviewed all of the books available and determined that Easy Predictions was the best.
Kaye republished Easy Predictions with Solar Returns by Deanna Rose and will sell the book to attendees for $10. Even if you have a copy, it makes a great birthday present for a student or astrological friend. I also sell a CD that explains how to use the book $12.
Kaye graduated from Roosevelt University in Chicago , although she says her real education was from 18.5 years of owning a printing business with her husband in Chicago. They retired at age 55. Three weeks later started a new business racing thoroughbred horses. Her family and friends are entrepreneurs and she keeps charts for all of them.
Kaye has earned the NCGR Level IV Certification in Counseling and Education as well as the ISAR Certification. She currently serves on the NCGR Board of Examiners.
Kaye loves to talk about everyone's favorite subject - money - the marketplace, where to look for bargains and what to avoid. Kaye's book, The Textbook For Financial Astrology not only explains how to set up a chart to start a small business, but how to read for fun and profit the Incorporation and IPO charts of the companies in the Dow.
Kaye has given presentations and workshops for NCGR, ISBA, SOTA conferences, and an assortment of astrological groups in Chicago,Milwaukee, St. Petersberg, Orlando, Washington D.C., Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, SOTA and Ireland.
Kaye teaches online How to Suceed in Business with Astrological Timing at Kepler Comunity Learning Center. Marlene Pfeifle and Kaye have a very busy, and informative web site
Stop by the link to the Meet Up Group and sign up to meet this great bunch of astrologers!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May New Moon: Jupiter and Neptune

Jupiter and Neptune are together in the Second House of Money. 

May New Moon report has the following paragraph explaining the economics of the month of May

Optimistically:  This Jupiter will expand the earnings of the populace, the bankers, the financial folks. The problem of too much earned income is solved with creative accounting. Creativity will abound and clever ideas will be monetized. Loans to banks will be paid back quickly.Local taxes will decrease because of pressure from local merchants.

Pessimistically: Bank failures will continue to make headlines. Too much money causes chaos in the monetary system. The amount of money in the system is confusing and creativity for its use abounds among purveyors of fraudulent schemes. There will be investigations and reporting of white collar criminals as well as common but clever thieves.

Scandals Abound

It looks like there is a huge scandal brewing concerning the bond holders at Chrysler and the Tarp money for the Banks. It seems that a lot of threats of smearing names as well as theoretically holding a gun to the heads of the executives of the various corporations and banks involved.  Scandals are emerging right before the Mercury Rx. That means the financial reporters will have to write and rewrite.  Some ugly rumors are sneaking out the back door of the White House and others are falling down the stairs of Congress. The reporters for the financial journals will have to write E Books to help everyone keep up with the breaking news about who is in trouble this week.