Sorry... It's not so funny for you who may have a natal planet or point at 3 or 4 Cardinal in your natal chart!
The Moon changes signs today as she ingresses into the cardinal zodiac sign of Cancer. At 6:06 pm EDT today the Moon will exactly oppose Pluto in Capricorn and together they will form a T- square to Venus retrograde at 4 Aries.
Venus rules the value of stocks, and the market is surely in for a bumpy ride.
The day begins with Moon square Uranus at 1:48 am, then a trine to Neptune at 5:03 am before she goes Void of Course during the NYSE trading hours. The first aspect she makes after her entrance into Cancer is the opposition to Pluto, then an exact square to Venus at 7:28 pm EDT.
Unpredictable market fluctuations occur during Void of Course Moons, and it is never a good day when Luna makes such harsh aspects. I imagine overnight trading will react from the T-square as well. And since we are half-way through the Venus Rx period, it is expected that the market will continue this pull-back that began last Friday.
About the photo -
I was always sure that the photographer who shot this photo had something completely different in mind, but back in the early 80's when I saw the poster hanging on display, all I could see when I looked at it was Pluto exposing himself to Venus! I cracked up laughing at the irony, and felt compelled to purchase a copy for myself.
It wasn't until recently that I discovered the real story behind the photo... and a regular Venus Retrograde experience to discover the history of a piece of "art" that one has owned for a while!
It is an actual photo of a popular political figure from Portland, Oregon. Bud Clark, who served as Mayor of Portland from 1985 to 1992, and was known for his eccentric behavior. Expose Yourself to Art was taken and widely distributed before he ran for Mayor; however the poster did nothing to deter his winning the election. He astonished the incumbent, Frank Ivancie, who had not taken Mr. Clark seriously as an opponent. Ivancie mocked Clark saying (his) "only claim to fame is exposing himself to a downtown statue."
According to the photographer, Michael Ryerson, who took the photo, "Bud was very active on the Venereal Disease Action Council, and he wanted to make a poster drawing attention to their cause. The Council had produced a T-shirt to promote awareness in the high schools, which at the time had an alarmingly high level of this problem. It was titled "Zap the Clap," which was on the T-shirt he was wearing (under the overcoat.)"
Although the poster now hangs on an attic room wall, it once hung in my bedroom. I can't remember if Venus was Retrograde back when I decided it needed a spot on my bedroom wall, but it must have been. The rule we astrologers give to our clients who are interested in decorating their homes is to never buy anything during Venus Rx, because you have a good chance of buying something that lacks good taste.
Still...I think it's funny.
Saturn and Neptune Troll Aries In 2025 – New Reality
[image: first contact]Neptune has spent nearly fourteen years in Pisces.
The planet will ingress into Aries, March 30th, 2025. It will spend
2 hours ago
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