Sunday, December 19, 2010

January 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of January, 2011.

January 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE
Click image to view full size calendar.

January 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
FTSE, for the month of January, 2011.

January, 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE
Click image to view full size calendar.

January 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney

January 2011 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASXAstrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of January, 2011.

Click image to view full size calendar.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Solar Explosions

September 2009 my article predicting solar storms during 2010 appeared in Llewellyn's Sun Sign annual. My research on the appearance of difficult solar activity indicated that a gathering of difficult planetary aspects often set off solar storms that would create beautiful auroras and problems for the electrical grid. A copy of the article Sun Spot Explosions is available on our website.
Everyday of 2010 I included in my morning check of weather, news and sports. Nothing unusual appeared on their site. A few sunspots appeared and disappeared. Filaments appeared and disappeared.
NO Solar Explosions

July and August 2010 presented astrologers with 13 interesting planetary phenomena. All of us looked at it from our particular point of view and made predictions. Mundane astrologers looked at the problems with the Euro, political protests in various countries, stock market activity and nothing seemed very unusual. I was convinced that this string of phenomena would be some sort of solar storm and expected to see a huge number of Sun spots appear along the equator of the Sun. I expected them to erupt and cause all sorts of havoc around our solar system. However, as Spaceweather reports they did not realize the magnitude of the eruptions until they analyzed all of the data from their various solar instruments. Finally on Dec 13, 2010 the article link above appeared in the official science media.
"On August 1, 2010, an entire hemisphere of the sun erupted. Filaments of magnetism snapped and exploded, shock waves raced across the stellar surface, billion-ton clouds of hot gas billowed into space. Astronomers knew they had witnessed something big."

Again December 7-13. 2010 I expected that the Heliocentric planetary phenomena would cause major disruptions on the solar surface. reported Coronal Mass Ejections however these particle sprays went up instead of across the planetary plane.
Space science expects the sun spot activity to increase during 2011 and 2012 peaking in 2013. A smaller grouping of planetary phenomena occurs in June and July of 2012. Therefore I'm expecting 2011 to be rather quiet on the surface of the Sun. However, experience has taught me to keep my eye on Spaceweather. Sometimes our Sun acts like Uranus.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fiscal Cents - Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign

Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign For the Lunar Month Beginning December 5,  2010 - Your Astrological Horoscope and Financial Outlook by Kaye Shinker.

The New Moon is in Sagittarius. The Sun entered the sign of  Sagittarius November 21st at 5:15 am EST.
Happy Solar Return to Sagittarians born between December 5 and December 20
and Capricorns, born between December 21 and January 3rd, Happy Solar Return!
Sagittarians will be the happiest people on earth this month. They have packed their book bag full of interesting new ideas and are ready to enjoy every gathering with fantastic new creative projects. Sag’s are inviting everyone to visit their garage or spare room to check their ingenious creativity. 

Early Capricorn’s pay attention to your Sagittarius buddies. You might make a profitable investment. What ever you invest in be sure you have a majority control as well as control of the cash flow.

Both signs need to evaluate their personal library and share the books you love as well as the ones you no longer need. Late Sagittarius will happily share their ability to create fun events. They will enjoy entertaining their friends with intellectually challenging games.  Early Capricorn's are challenged to use their abundant energy to help others and give away their surplus. 

This Month For Sagittarius
Shopping will be a dangerous sport after December 10th.  Get ‘er done. Have a great a holiday party and enjoy all your friends. It would probably be a good idea to move your funds into high yield stocks before December 10.  You will be very busy throughout December and trading requires focused concentration.

This Month For Capricorn
You are in charge and your leadership skills are in demand. This could be a month when you will actually earn a bonus. Make sure you invest the funds in blue chips that pay dividends.

If you were born between December 10th and December 30th, you will have Mercury Retrograde in your Solar Return. If your birthday falls during the dates that Mercury is retrograde, expect to spend the year ahead doing everything twice. During Mercury Rx the most useful way to spend your time is to repair stuff, recyle stuff and reduce your stuff. It is also a good time to declare recess, and rejeuvenate in another region of the country. When shopping, if it costs more than $15 you shouldn't buy it; but if you do, save the receipt.

Deanna Rose discusses Mercury through the houses in your Solar Return chart in her book, Easy Predictions with Solar Returns.

On the web site you will find the article, Venus- Money in Your Chart. Be sure to read it for directions on How to Construct an Astrological Treasure Chest. 

More for all other signs: Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and successes for you during the month ahead in our Fiscal Cents column on the web site.

We suggest that you also read your Ascendant (your Rising sign), as well as your Sun sign on our web site - to read your sun sign's forecast on our web site go to:

If you would like to receive your financial outlook before the next New Moon, please subscribe to our newsletter

Be sure to read your horoscope to find out what is ahead for YOU and your finances this coming lunar month! Click here to read Astrological Fiscal Cents.

The New Moon in Sagittarius

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:

The Sagittarius New Moon appears in the 9th house (refer to chart)
The New Moon at 13° 28' Sagittarius, December 5, 2010 12:36 EST Washington D.C.
The New Moon promises everyone an opportunity to travel and make new friends around the world. Trading with folks will be interesting and profitable. The holiday season promises to help you organize your philosophy. Books will be the best gift this holiday.

Legal and Judicial activity abounds on Wall Street. New laws and rules are issued by government agencies keeping the legal departments of financial firms very busy. Most of the legal issues probably require mediation. Rules changes will keep programmers busy and managers busy explaining the changes.

Everyone else will organize celebrations and find inexpensive ways to entertain their families and colleagues. This holiday season is perfect for relaxation and good fun.

Mars appears in the 10th House
Emphasis is on the Chief Executive Officers of all companies. Many will find it convenient to retire and change their life style.

Mercury appears in the 10th House
Scandals abound keeping reporters very busy and writers outlining their new book. New MBA graduates could find these scandals an employment opportunity.

Pluto appears in the 10th House
Government leaders will attempt to exercise additional controls on financial institutions. Since Pluto entered Capricorn they have been striving for additional power and authority forgetting the many unintended consequences. Government and other authorities will succeed where they can exercise their taxing authority. 

Neptune appears in the 12th House
Charities are riddled with scandals. Contributions will diminish and many charities will threaten to fold. Whistle blowers who work in important institutions will take to the web and protests will continue to be organized.

Jupiter appears in the 1st House
Folks will enjoy the energy of Jupiter as he brings prosperity and success. Employment will increase and business will find interesting new products as well as new customers.

Uranus appears in the 1st House
Folks take seriously their disagreements with regulations and legal authorities. They will display their outrage with boycotts. 

Saturn appears in the 7th House
Trade with other countries will be difficult and aggravating.

Venus appears in the 8th House
Tax revenues will increase due to higher employment and a better business environment. Local Governments will benefit with higher sales tax revenues.

Kaye Shinker

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Capricorn, January 4, 2011. Subscribe to our newsletter  if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

December 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of December, 2010.
December 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE
 Click image to view full size calendar.

December 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
FTSE, for the month of December, 2010.

December 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE
Click image to view full size calendar.

December 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of December, 2010.
December 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX
 Click image to view full size calendar.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gold, Euro, Dollar

Time to look at these charts again.
May 20, 2010 I posted a blog with the astrological charts for the Euro, the Dollar, and Gold. Now that 6 months have passed financial astrologers are still stuck on the same topic. The Euro has returned to +$1.35, the Federal Reserve has returned to its quantitative easing, and gold has surged to +$1350 per troy ounce.

As to transits there is very little stopping gold from moving up in price especially with the Sun moving from the MC to the Asc. Of course this transit is shown in the seasonal rise of gold prices during the holiday season. Saturn squares Mercury and itself during December thus keeping speculation rather tame but Jupiter is making aspects to every planet as it moves into Aries. Feb 2012 is the deadline for goldbugs when they will have to make sure firm stops are in place. There are a lot of nuances in between where traders can jump in and out of gold with a chance for profits.

Problems with the Euro in November are the result of Jupiter square the Euro Moon along with Mars adding energy to the changes while he makes a conjunction to Pluto and Mercury. Mars and the Euro just do not like each other and every time Mars is conjunct one of the Euro's planets the Euro becomes nervous and loses a few cents. However the Euro and Jupiter get along just fine. The Euro likes a good Jupiter transit. Therefore the Euro will solve the problems of the public's perception that members are not able to pay the interest on loans made to the banks of member countries.
Jupiter was sextile Neptune through out August, the sextile Venus and square the Moon through October and in December it will be sextile Venus. Transiting Saturn square the Sun in trine Uranus has kept the price in a narrow range. Jupiter makes a string of positive aspects to the Euro planets through the first 6 months of 2011.

Neptune is finally leaving the conjunction to the USA Pluto and therefore the dollar may revive its status as a reserve currency. QE2 occurred Nov 10 with Venus conjunct its Sun and Mars conjunct its Venus therefore the concern that the markets are flooded with excess dollars. Jupiter transits January-July 2011 seem to show an increase in the value of the dollar. This increase may very well be connected to the price of oil since Neptune is sextile Jupiter and Mars throughout this period of time. Natural gas and other green energy products may reduce the price of oil and therefore increase the value of the dollar.

I think that after the January 4th solar eclipse the Dollar will hold its value through June. Lower oil prices will contribute to its value. The Euro will remain stable with their Central Bank slowly increasing the amount of Euro's available. Gold prices will move up slowly and remain below $1500 per ounce. You may disagree by posting a comment. Also check The Textbook for Financial Astrology Book 4 for Silver and commodities.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chinese Currency

Yuan as Reserve Currency?

With the G20 meeting the IMF has announced a plan that would make China the third-strongest member. The position will allow China to take more responsibility as well as greater power
The North Node and Pluto are conjunct the Jupiter Mars conjunction of the chart for the Chinese Currency. Pluto has been near 3 Capricorn since 2009 and finally achieved its goal of bringing the Yuan/Renminbi as one of the reserve currencies for the world market.

The Yuan has risen 3% since July and over the past 5 years it is up nearly 25%. notice that in 2006 Jupiter moved across the Venus South Node conjunction of the Yuan and as it passed each planet through Sagittarius and Capricorn the Yuan gained value against the Dollar, Euro and Yen.

The transit of Saturn to the natal Pluto gave the currency power to its structure. It's Saturn return kept the Yuan on its path. Saturn moving to a conjunction with Neptune may provide the opportunity to allow the Yuan some flexibility with interest rates in China allowed to rise to prevent a bubble in real estate or stocks. As Saturn reaches the MC the Yuan should become fairly valued however that will be 2012. The Saturn transit will allow the Yuan to remain a reserve currency for about 10 years.

The IMF has made a valid decision as to the future of the Chinese currency and its ability to take responsibility for the value of the Yuan. But what about the IMF?

Currency Bubble?
Are we headed for a world wide currency bubble? Jeremy Grantham suggests it is a possibility in his interview on CNBC, Nov.11, 2010. Bubbles usually occur when Jupiter and Uranus are in Aries and that will occur March-June 2011. This blog will discuss sectors where bubbles might occur during the next few months. Charts for the dollar, and euro appear in The Textbook for Financial Astrology. Stay tuned to this blog.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

QE2 & the Federal Reserve

Show Down at the G 20 in Seoul

The Federal Reserve and the Dollar are in for a rough few months ahead as the world's economic leaders voice their disapproval of the quantitative easing of the Dollar by the Federal Reserve.
Chinese officials are not to pleased with the Federal Reserves policy of QE 2. The Financial Times article details the comments of the Chinese officials as well as other members of the G20.

The Astrologers task is to discover from the charts for the Federal Reserve if this policy will work or will it spark a currency war. Will it perform as promised? Will it make USA goods abroad cheaper, and therefore increase domestic employment.

No War
Mars represents employment and the July 11, 2012 solar eclipse was conjunct the Fed's Mars and the need for concern was real. But Mars becomes fairly lazy when eclipsed. Employees of the Fed and actually the whole country turned into monetary couch potatoes. No one was thinking and the Fed employees were just recycling old ideas that didn't work the first time. It certainly was too much like work to find other measures to move the USA economy.

The North Node is applying to the Fed Sun which along with Jupiter moving over the MC could signal a good decision will emerge around January 1, 2011. In addition the South Node will be conjunct the Fed's Pluto which would mean their power is easily recovered. It appears that Federal Reserve will succeed in spite of themselves. All of the hand wringing by critics will become a humorous anecdote.

The USA Economy?
A tremendous number of folks will find their unemployment benefits expire on January 1, 2011. The Republican House of Representatives will suggest "tough love" . It is amazing how quickly the economy improves when folks decide to work for wages.

When I set up the chart I thought I would also be a critic of the QE2 policy and I was positive that the Federal Reserve would make the mess even worse. However it appears that by mid-February we will decide that the policy was not awful. I'm surprised by the chart, now someone is going to tell me to use the November 16,1914 chart when the Federal Reserve opened its doors for business. Actually that chart has the South Node conjunct its Pluto Saturn conjunction. Same reading but the Fed will not get credit for taking a remarkably correct action.

Fiscal Cents - Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign

Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign For the Lunar Month Beginning September 8, 2010 - Your Astrological Horoscope and Financial Outlook by Kaye Shinker
Happy Solar Return to Scorpio Suns and early Sagittarian Suns!
Scorpios, birth dates during the dates of this New Moon, November 6 through November 21,and
, birth dates during the dates of this New Moon, November 22 through December 4.

Both of these signs realize it is time to evaluate their personal transportation. Repair/refurbish your bike, your skies, your motorcycle and your car. Both signs will enjoy decorating their home base for the holidays and entertaining their neighbors. Scorpios will love telling stories and illustrating their adventures. Early Sagittarius will have abundant energy, therefore all efforts to improve their residence will pay dividends. Early Sagittarius need to keep their receipts in a file folder.
 This Month For Scorpio
You will need to be very interested in taking care of your personal transportation. If you need new wheels it is best to purchase them after November 18. Check the educational offers on your favorite ‘e’ trading site and practice the new skills with their virtual trader. Your piggy bank is hungry, feed it.

Advice for everyone - During the next six months I encourage every Sun Sign to take control of your personal environment and reclaim your power. This will be a short holiday shopping season. Shop with cash and save your receipts. Neptune remains alone in Aquarius, therefore everyone's computer fingers are in danger of being careless.

Household Hint : Learn about Stops. Go to your favorite online trading site, read the instructions and practice the technique on your virtual portfolio.

More for Sagittarius,  and for all other signs: Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and successes for you during the month ahead in our Fiscal Cents column on the web site.

We suggest that you also read your Ascendant (your Rising sign), as well as your Sun sign on our web site - to read your sun sign's forecast on our web site go to:

If you would like to receive your financial outlook before the next New Moon, please subscribe to our newsletter

Be sure to read your horoscope to find out what is ahead for YOU and your finances this coming lunar month! Click here to read Astrological Fiscal Cents.

The New Moon in Scorpio

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:

The Scorpio New Moon appears on the 4th house cusp (refer to chart)

The Scorpio New Moon, November 6, 2010 at 12:52 EDT Washington, D.C.
Rain and snow are the problem with the snow cover heavy on the fields of winter wheat (good for wheat). Expect measured increases in the price of beef and fowl during the next few months. The New Moon on the 4th house cusp favors the election of the opposition party especially along the 80 degree longitude line. ( By the way Venus conjunct the Sun in Scorpio also favors the election of the opposition party as it did in 1994 )

Mercury appears in the 4th House
Agriculture is making new plans for the use of the land. In addition to new types of crops younger farmers are adding the machinery for home made electricity. Excellent prices for 2010 crops will allow farmers the opportunity to invest in new machinery and diversify their crop production.

Mars appears in the 4th House
Mars here indicates continued stress in the housing markets with new revelations about inept bank employees. Publicity concerning documentation difficulties further inspires a wait and see attitude among buyers. Dry weather is a problem for cotton and sugar crops along the 90 degree longitude line.

Pluto appears in the 5th House
New types of art and film gain public attention. Entertainment is going to the people with small cities tours. The Internet continues to create new venues for clever artists. It is becoming very apparent that the source of income for entertainment has changed dramatically. The commodities market will be amazed by the demand for copper.

Neptune appears in the 7th House
Advertising agencies and public relations departments are confused. Mergers and acquisitions are announced but many are flawed and need to be withdrawn. Currency negotiations between Central banks are chaotic and resolutions seem unsolvable. Accusations of unfair practices are true, but it will take months to untangle the web of deceits.

Jupiter appears in the 8th House
Leaders in government will bring attention to the need to collect corporate cash parked abroad. The public will favor the need to bring back cash since it will increase funds available to shareholders as well as employees. Share prices for cash rich companies will increase as we close the year.

Uranus appears in the 8th House
Strange weather as well as accidents will cause insurance companies to complain about using up their reserves. Investors and traders will find these companies difficult to assess as to future earnings therefore the prices for these stocks and funds will stagnate.

Saturn appears in the 3rd House
Problems concerning transportation are the main concern of citizens. Vehicle maintenance is required. It is a good time to check investments in companies that service vehicles and provide spare parts.

Venus appears in the 3rd House
Folks are shopping seriously for the best deal on all their electronic gadgets. They will buy new electronic toys but not without a deal. If you are considering investments in communications related stocks be sure to check earnings and yield. The migration of revenue from print media to electronics will be obvious in their earnings statements.

Kaye Shinker 

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Sagittarius, December 5, 2010. Subscribe to our newsletter if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

New Moon statistics

Buying stocks on the New Moon is a good idea
Selling stocks on the Full Moon is a good idea

About 2000 years ago an astrologer who wrote under the name Dorotheus commented on the influence of the New and Full Moon among traders in his markets suggesting that the Full Moon brought a higher price for their wares. In the early 20th century a trader by the name of W.D. Gann said approximately the same. It was an easy observation for most day traders. In the Textbook for Financial Astrology Book 1 Lesson 4 I quote the research of Zheng, Zuang, and Zhu from the University of Michigan which stated statistically on average stocks move higher after the New Moon and fall after the Full Moon. Bill Meridian's extensive research on the Dow from 1915-1994 shows the same trend.

Therefore it was exciting to read that a new group of researchers confirmed these statistics. Here is the link.

Friday, October 29, 2010

USA Saturn Return

Aphorism for a Saturn Return
About every 29 years every chart suffers a Saturn return. The aphorism is that if you are on your correct path, you will feel as if nothing happened, if you are on the wrong path you will be kicked in the pants until you correct the errors of your ways.
In the USA Sibley chart Saturn appears in the 10th house stating that the business of America is business. Since the USA Saturn is in Libra, one of the huge advantages of doing business with an American corporation is contract law. Once a contract is signed the American contract laws apply to the business deal. These laws are pretty straight forward and easy enough for a college Sophomore to understand.

Saturn Returns Past
Saturn returns for the USA indicate a new business emerges after a period of business disruption due to the necessity of rebuilding the economy following a difficult change in methods of doing business. Whole business sectors fail, and whole new ones emerge.
Saturn will return to 14 Libra December 2, 2010, March 20, 2011 and August 21, 2011. In other words we will have 9 months to straighten out the business of America and find new ones where we can invest our time and cash. Previous Saturn returns were October 1981 (PC's appeared), September 1952 (home appliances), November 1922 (autos). None of these are particularly memorable years except they are a time one innovation spawned a plethora of inventions. Suddenly a new machine became available to ordinary Americans and new businesses prospered. Of course the buggy whip, wash board, and white-out businesses failed, but new businesses took their place.

Future Ideas
Staring in November it is important to follow every news source for innovations. Follow the Penny Stock news, and the companies filing for IPO's. Neptune will sneak into Pisces in April 2011 stirring change in things ruled by Pisces. Check the Textbook for Financial Astrology for lists of these things.
Change will happen and small investments can pay off. Cash/gold have been king for the past two years because intelligent investors have been sitting on the sidelines anticipating the change. Sources for electric power is the obvious one at the moment. However there are quite a few others including new materials for shoes, simplified water purification, and innovative methods of agriculture production.
Investors with long range goals need to be as alert as ambitious entrepreneurs. This site is particularly interested in new businesses and we will report on ideas as they appear.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

November 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of November, 2010.
November 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE
 Click image to view full size calendar.

November 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
FTSE, for the month of November, 2010.
November 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE
 Click image to view full size calendar.

November 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of November, 2010.
November 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX
Click image to view full size calendar.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

November 7 Neptune Direct

Throughout the Textbooks for Financial Astrology I discuss the deceptions of Neptune identifiying its aspects to various planets as a Red Flag. These deception are usually very costly and cruel. The Sibley chart for the USA has the Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius and during the past few months Neptune retrograde has passed over this critical point. Neptune is now stationed at 26 degrees Aquarius and during the next two months Neptune will turn direct and pass over this point in the USA national horoscope for the final pass.

As Neptune turns direct it will reveal one deception after another.
Swindles will be revealed. Thieves will be arrested. Liars will be caught. One economic bubble after another will burst. And you thought the bail outs were enough economic chicanery for one decade. Neptune direct will allow its creative side to find excellent answers and hopefully allow the problems of deception on the American public to be solved.

2009-2011 The Bubble Bursts and bursts and b u r s t s
Two Big Banks J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank of America are part of the Dow and their charts are in The Textbook for Financial Astrology . Big Bad Banks and some smaller ones have deceived their customers and their investors. Not good for a business dependent on the concept of 'trust' The public has been hoodwinked by the banks and mortgage companies at every level. It is an impossible mess. The contract laws meant to protect the investor on both sides of the equation have been flagrantly violated.

Neptune's final pass November 2010-April 2011 means that the public will finally know what is happening and how various banks intend to fix their problems. The deceptions have been cruel to yield hungry investors looking at mortgage backed securities as a safe investment and average folks who wished to secure their retirement with home ownership. The USA Cancer Sun explains why these citizens cherish their home. This pass by Neptune over the moon has stirred the emotions of the populace.

A quick look back in history tells us that Neptune was discovered by astronomers in 1846 at 26 degrees of Aquarius, the position it now occupies. The previous pass of Neptune over the USA Moon stirred the emotions of the public in various forms of land grabs. In the USA Gold was discovered in California, railroads were starting to crisscross the country and the Mexican-American War was being fought.

Uranus and Jupiter in Aries
Maybe their transit of Aries will help the bankers clean up the mess with some unusual pioneering ideas. They are ready to spend a few months together in Aries. However, experience tells us that when they are together in this sign, ' A Bubble Bursts'. Problem is there are a lot of candidates for bubbles. There are 25 Dow stocks with planets in early degrees of cardinal signs. Currently the bond market has expressed an interesting in bursting its bubble. Next in line is the commercial real estate business, and right behind is currency, and agriculture. Almost anything could happen. Fasten your seat belts.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign For the Lunar Month Beginning October 7, 2010 - Your Astrological Horoscope and Financial Outlook by Kaye Shinker
The New Moon is in Libra. The Sun will enter the sign of  Scorpio15 days later on October 23rd at 8:35 am EDT.

Best Wishes and Happy Solar Return to early Scorpio Suns
and Libra Suns born October 7 through October 22nd! 

Our Libra friends are working very hard evaluating their assets and liabilities and are finding new ways to save money and cutting expenses where ever possible.  Librans see Saturn in their Sun sign as a personal challenge to maintain a thrifty lifestyle.

Our Scorpio friends can expect their new year to start with opportunities to earn some extra cash from their various projects. Events send them to new projects/jobs that require quick thinking and disciplined management of their time and labor. 

Both Sun signs realize it is time to work hard to preserve useful material possessions and to dispose of those that have lost their value. Now is the time to find investments with a reliable yield and take the time to study them. 

This Month For Libra
Venus the ruler of your Sun sign is retrograde. This means “no shopping”. Stash your Cash and do things that are basically free. Study the Internet with the goal of finding ways it will benefit your year ahead. Saturn transiting your Sun sign for the next 2 years means your middle name is “work”. Make sure your investments pay a reliable dividend. Set your goals and enjoy each accomplishment. 

This Month For Scorpio
It is time for you to take charge. You are the boss. The month ahead will give you the energy to get things done for yourself and others. Now is a good time to remember your managerial skills and use them in your work place. Follow your investments daily but avoid day trading. Your piggy bank is hungry, feed it.

If your birthday falls within the dates that Venus is retrograde this year, (October 8 through November 19) you will have Venus Rx in your Solar Return.
Deanna Rose discusses Venus through the houses in your Solar Return chart in her book, Easy Predictions with Solar Returns.

On the web site you will find the article, Venus- Money in Your Chart. Be sure to read it for directions on How to Construct an Astrological Treasure Chest. 

More for all other signs: Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and successes for you during the month ahead in our Fiscal Cents column on the web site.

We suggest that you also read your Ascendant (your Rising sign), as well as your Sun sign on our web site - to read your sun sign's forecast on our web site go to:

If you would like to receive your financial outlook before the next New Moon, please subscribe to our newsletter

Be sure to read your horoscope to find out what is ahead for YOU and your finances this coming lunar month! Click here to read Astrological Fiscal Cents.

The New Moon in Libra

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:

The New Moon in Libra, October 7, 2010 at 2:44 pm EDT Washington, D.C.

The Libra New Moon appears in the 9th House (refer to chart)

This is a Super New Moon putting a great deal of pressure on those sectors of the markets that provide education, publish books, and provide long distance transportation for the travel industry.

Saturn appears in the 8th House
Discussions proliferate on insurance and taxes. There are plenty of proposals of ways to improve insurance and maintain reasonable premiums. Taxes are the main topic of conversation with a plethora of suggestions as to ways to make them lower.

Mercury appears in the 8th House
Government will join the discussions of ways to return the excessive cash on the balance sheets of USA based corporations. The death tax may be settled and discussions will continue on other taxes. Voters are listening to eighth house issues death, taxes, accounting, and insurance. All others are not important. This position of Mercury indicates a change in political leadership in the legislature. Electors will favor the non incumbent.

Venus appears in the 10th House
The chart of the Equinox continues here putting an emphasis on the feminine leaders in corporate USA. Female leaders will find the environment very favorable for increasing the profitability of their organizations.

Mars appears in the 10th House
Mars here indicates increased covert military activity. Male corporate leaders will be aggressive as they promote their industry. Mars is at home in Scorpio, therefore we will tend to chose investments that are aggressive and likely to earn a nice return.

Pluto appears in the 12th House
Scandals and crimes will bring down the leaders of prominent institutions as well as businesses. Police and other investigators will gain recognition for arresting criminals both white and blue color. Whistle blowers will explain the corruption they see to concerned citizens as well as reporters. Corruption in charities, hospitals and prisons will be exposed.

Neptune appears in the 1st House
The public is confused by a lot of the rhetoric. They feel like everyone in charge of government and industry has lied to them. They will vote with the ballot and the pocket book. They are unhappy and ready turn everything upside down.

Jupiter appears in the 2nd House
It has the power to increase the value of stock, bonds and commodities. Folks are earning extra cash in interesting places. The job market will improve as employers are finding they need to fill more orders than they anticipated.

Uranus appears in the 2nd House
Strange happenings are in the market place. Investors and traders will sense that there is a something dishonest happening but they are not able to identify exactly what it is. Entrepreneurs are finding very unique ways to capitalize on the internet by adding subscription services. Web site owners are impressed and sign on to the new ideas.

Kaye Shinker

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Scorpio, November 6, 2010. Subscribe to our newsletter if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nodes of the Dow

Sometimes it is fun to quote yourself. Winter Solstice 2009 I wrote an article for the NCGR Journal "The Nodes and Financial Astrology" pg. 30

My original research for the article appears in The Textbook for Financial Astrology IV. Here is a portion of the article I wrote after four of my colleagues sent E mails explaining to me that my research article should be in the next edition of the Journal.

Financial Astrology Gibberish

Will the Index continue to march back to its former highs? The Neptune Jupiter Chiron trio returns to their conjunction with the Index North Node as of December 10, 2009. Too much of a good thing and the index reverses?

Oct 9, 2007 was a reversal date and the market fell 10% only to return up 8% then on Dec. 10 the market reversed to go down 52% on March 9, 2009. the Dec 10th North node was within a degree and a half of a nodal return.

An aside to the study was twice nodal returns indicated a market up 10%. An interesting statistic however there were three nodal returns where there was no effect. The nodal return on January 1, 2008 did not mark a reversal date and the market continued its downward trend. Venus had just passed the South Node which it does once a year, but the Nodes were moving to a nodal return that would be exact January 1, 2008 and the Feb eclipse would was 17 Aquarius. The Dow average plummeted 12% . The March 2, 2008 trouble was in the wind but the Nodal return was still in effect . The Dow began its precipitous fall. May 2, 2008 from 13,000 to March 3, 2009 at 6600 or over 60%.

The nodal return was four degrees from exact and transiting Saturn was within 3 degrees of the Index South Node. The July eclipse would fall on Jupiter so a reversal seemed unlikely. The fall of Lehman Brothers on Sept 15,2008 and no aspects appeared to be available to break the fall. The January 28, 2009 eclipse would be opposed Jupiter a possible break.

The low happened on March 3, 2009 and the South node made a conjunction to Jupiter on April 20, 2009. The first ‘V’ was in and the Dow would move up 25% in the weeks that followed.

Second "V" in the Dow?

Will there be a second ‘V’ ? The next eclipse in January 15 at 25 Capricorn and it is followed by an eclipse on July 11 at 20 Cancer. There are a lot of transits in between to cause trouble for the Dow, but enough to cause a significant reversal of trend?

Oh let’s just speculate that all is quiet on the Dow until the Nodes move to Sagittarius and Gemini in 2011 and the next eclipse is 11 degrees Gemini June 1,2011 is conjunct the Sun Pluto conjunction of the Dow index. On that eclipse Uranus will also be conjunct the Index Mars. Within a month of the aspect expect a reversal of trend and make your stops secure.

Conclusion: The dates provided by Smith Barney are the actual dates for highs and lows in the Index. The dates I have mentioned under Gibberish might not fit their exact criteria, but they are close enough for nodal work. The Dow Index does not always set the tone of the market and there are numerous factors that influence its rise and fall. However the transiting nodes and eclipses have a pretty good track record.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

October 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the NYSE, for the month of October, 2010.
October 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for NY NY, The NYSE
 Click image to view full size calendar.

October 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE

Astrological Calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the
FTSE, for the month of October, 2010.
October 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for London, England, The FTSE
 Click image to view full size calendar.

October 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney

Astrology calendar showing the day and times of planetary aspects for the ASX, for the month of October, 2010.
October 2010 Astrological Calendar - Transits for Sydney, Australia, The ASX
Click image to view full size calendar.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sample of online chat with student

I'm posting a few lines from "H's" class on August 9, 2010 to give you an opportunity to see how an online chat room class works. When committing the time and money to a new idea sometimes it helps to see a portion of an actual class in Financial Astrology.
I believe in applying the topics covered by the lesson to the current financial news.

Below is a sample of a small part of Lesson 4

KayeS: we are being hoodwinked big time an we have been for the past 3 years while Neptune has been hovering around our Moon
H: hoodwinked.
H: ok. got it.
KayeS: I think everyone is feeling it
H: news like this fromo HP was such a huge surprise
H: there have to be many more shoes that drop at looser organizations
H: you hint at that in your blog
KayeS: today Nestles revealed that fellows hired by Mars shut down their most profitable line and I didn't finish reading the story
KayeS: corporate espionage
H: so we can expectmore strange revelatory news
KayeS: yes but watch your own stuff also
KayeS: Chris had a mystery charge on his phone bill that he would never have caught it he had auto bill pay
H: our contractorhas suddenly gotten a bit slippery aqfter nearly a year of being great
H: interesting.
KayeS: Yes and I think we are in for another 12 months and this country is going to be livid about a lot of slippery folks
H: so how do you translate a transit like that into a price swing in the stock?
KayeS: The Neptune opposed Moon
KayeS: is basically a red flag and then you look at the transits to the IPO
H: it seems a neptune transit of any kind is a red flag, no?
KayeS: Yes it is when you are looking at a corporate chart and HPQ is a real easy one to guess the price is going to be a problem
KayeS: from January through April 27 Jupiter makes one great aspect after another
H: because ne[tune has hit five planets while transiting aquarius?
KayeS: the in the IPO Neptune is conjunct Uranus not good and the Saturn makes 10 aspects in a row from Sept throug March
KayeS: right and Neptune loves slipping and sliding and deception
KayeS: HPQ should have a great year in 2012
KayeS: No Neptune transits and a string of Jupiter transits
KayeS: The company will get their act together and Miss triple Virgo is probably the heroine but in the meantime its not a good buy
KayeS: for the upside
KayeS: and it is too tricky for a short option
H: ...checking out the mean saturn will trine all those planets in gemini?
KayeS: right and they are going to squeeze every penny
KayeS: self-righteously
H: so for a short option, neptune isn't good either, I guess--you need a clearer signal that the price will go down, huh?
KayeS: It will be in interesting stock to track Neptune will fuzz up the option
H: right. so for a short do you look for clean saturn transits, or uranus if the company looks precarious?
KayeS: when you put your money down it is a good idea to avoid Neptune transits of any kind to the IPO chart as well as the Inc chart
KayeS: Right saturn is slow so you would need to give it some time on the option for day trading you need another planet or two
H: what do you look for? maybe a mercury transit (bad news reports breaking??) or mars (something with the workforce??)
KayeS: Mars is a bit slow also but you are right about Mercury and the day trader who uses astrology has to keep a sharp eye out for the Moon
KayeS: That is why we put the calendar on our blog for the Moon transits
H: the moon = the fickle market??
KayeS: Moon means always changing never name a company or a horse after the Moon Friday was a perfect day to illustrate a moon transit and it was on our blog

Before your first class we meet for a practice lesson.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fiscal Cents - Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign

Financial Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign For the Lunar Month Beginning September 8, 2010 - Your Astrological Horoscope and Financial Outlook by Kaye Shinker
The New Moon is in Virgo. The Sun will enter the sign of Libra 14 days later on September 22nd at 11:09 pm EDT.
Happy Solar Return to everyone born under the sign of Libra, and Virgos still celebrating!

This Month For Libra
People actually tell you that you are a nice person, and they aren’t even fishing to borrow money. You are entirely focused on earning money and you do not care whether you earn it using your muscles or your brain. Your main goal is to stay busy and earn cash.

If you are a Libra Sun, born September 22 through October 7, you need to keep working hard and continue saving your money. You can help yourself by working on contract instead of by the hour. Saturn in your sign makes it easy for you to stay organized. 

NOTE!  Mercury went Retrograde August 20 and will go Direct September 12. Mercury's retrograde period often brings a certain level of confusion, unexpected events, frustrations, delays and blockages in communications, transportation, and trade. If your birthday is August 20 through September 12, you will have Mercury Rx in your Solar Return - which means that you will be spending this birthday year doing everything twice! (Note: Marley, a Gemni, has had Mercury Rx in her Solar Return many times and found it to be a year of much contemplation, and looking back. Her key to dealing with those years of Mercury Rx was to be focused and be able to roll with the punches!)

If you are a late Virgo Sun, (born September 8 through September 21) Happy Solar Return! You will be very busy taking care of yourself for a change. Time to look after yourself and dress for success!

On the web site you will find the article, Venus- Money in Your Chart. Be sure to read it for directions on How to Construct an Astrological Treasure Chest.

More for Virgo,  and For all other signs: Each Sun Sign has predictions of the challenges and successes for you during the month ahead in our Fiscal Cents column on the web site.

We suggest that you also read your Ascendant (your Rising sign), as well as your Sun sign on our web site - to read your sun sign's forecast on our web site go to:

If you would like to receive your financial outlook before the next New Moon, please subscribe to our newsletter

Be sure to read your horoscope to find out what is ahead for YOU and your finances this coming lunar month! Click here to read Astrological Fiscal Cents.

The New Moon in Virgo

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at
New Moon forecasts show the general trends and financial outlook for the month; here is what Kaye Shinker has to say for the month ahead:

The New Moon in Virgo, September 8, 2010 at 6:30 am EDT Washington, D.C.

This is a powerful super New Moon (moon is perigee) and promises further weather disturbances along the path of the January and July eclipses. The ring of fire is also under severe pressure with earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Traders should keep the world weather map on their front page.

New Moon in the 1st house (see chart )

Folks will concentrate on their own projects and feel that it is important to be responsible for their own welfare and well being. It is a "clean it up" New Moon where folks will be concerned with taking care of their own home and work place.

Saturn in the 1st house
Unemployment continues to remain high, but people are finding alternative opportunities to put their energy to use. They contact former employers and find interesting part time employment. They also sell surplus belongings and find ways to actually turn some into artwork. Ingenuity is key here.

Mars in the 2nd house
Stock exchanges are under pressure throughout the world. Government bonds will attract buyers as a safe haven. People are thrifty with their disposable income. Retail businesses will find the higher profit margin of generic brands are helpful to their bottom line. Currencies are volatile, therefore study your favorite before buying or selling.

Venus in the 2nd house
The underground economy is felt everywhere. Folks continue to use every way possible to avoid taxes by finding local supplies. Buyers insist on value and this will include investments. Now is a good time for entrepreneurs to organize their business plan and evaluate their markets. The phrase "egg money" may be taken literally.

Pluto in the 4th house
Weather along the East Coast of the USA is a problem as tropical storms from the east and the south converge with storms from the west. Solar storms are also active and could threaten satellite transmissions. The suggestion is keep your pantry well stocked, your computer backed up, and check out the latest in surge protectors.

Neptune in the 6th house
Be careful! Deception is rampant. There are some rather slick salesmen out there anxious to hold your investment capital. It will take a few more months for their dishonesty to be exposed. The best investment is your talent and your education. Double check the sources of information and surf the internet. Common sense is really difficult to obtain this month. Do not let folks with fancy degrees influence any decision. Research is required.

Uranus in the 7th house
It is a time for very unusual problems concerning products and their relationship with the public. The usual PR campaigns do not work. Folks are very skeptical and insist on a demonstration of sincerity from either a product or a service. Unusual partnerships are forming as a result, therefore be aware.

Jupiter in the 7th house
This is really a difficult time to start a new partnership of any kind. But not a bad time for discussions of new partnership ideas. Again be careful of so called experts trying to control your money. In financial astrology “no” is an excellent word and far more valuable to our research than “maybe”.

Mercury in the 12th house
Mercury will turn direct on September 12. It is OK to tear up your old shopping list and make a new one. Information about investments will require some effort on your part all month. Read the fine, fine, fine print before you make a purchase. Double check the astrological charts also.

Hedge fund managers continue to fold their tent and leave Wall Street.

Kaye Shinker 

Read this New Moon report in it's entirety at

The New Moon forecast gets updated on the day of the New Moon on our web site. The next New Moon will be: New Moon in Libra, October 7, 2010. Subscribe to our newsletter if you would like to receive the next forecast before the next New Moon.